Saturday, May 5, 2007

Nancy Drew Wolf Of Icicle Creek Shoveling


By Otto Lührs

The bike and the book are older than the car and the tv

The bike and the book have been devoured its cultural spaces for the car and the tv

The bike and the book will transport you, entertain or educate demandándote some effort, which stimulates the senses and enrich your body, mind and spirit .
The car and transport the TV, entertain or educate easily, without effort, what senses atrophy and impoverishes the body, mind and spirit.

The bike and the book are symbols of styles healthy living and culturally superior
The car and tv are icons of modern consumerism and decadent

The bike and the book are cheaper and affordable to buy and repair the car and the tv

Man moves less, more fattening, since the car massifies
The man thinks less is more dumbed since become popular tv

In short, the bike and the book rebalance the relationship man - technology, restoring the role of master to man resource and service to our inventions.
Meanwhile, the car and the tv enslave, create a dependency / addictions on the user.

advocate not get the car or the TV in our lives, clearly delivered as a service that can sometimes be irreplaceable.
With this analogy only ask a rational, and that is infinitely less than what they currently have.


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