Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do Skin Tags And Genital Warts Look Alike?

Country of Last Things (radio program)

Presentation of the radio program "The country of last things", copying the same FORUM program:

" The country of last things " is a program that is broadcast on free radio IROL Irratia, and suffers the Cassandra syndrome, ie, awareness that we are moving towards catastrophe and the perception of absolute indifference of society, or at least the lack of reaction, analysis and radical critics, to address and attempt to take an answer to the origin and causes of our collective suicide.

moving towards the end of an era. The current rate of biodiversity loss is a hundred to one thousand times the natural processes that could result. Water, air and environment that sustain us are becoming increasingly polluted, and climate change will only exacerbate these problems. Fossil fuels become scarce and there are today, viable alternatives to waste energy on that underpins the system, which means that the energy crisis puts a halt all growth model (of raw materials, energy and space) Unlimited sold to us as eternal. You might think that this makes a radical and revolutionary response becomes, not a necessity but a matter of survival, however, political and social things do not seem to be much better, any attempt of emancipation is crashed into a wall of isolation, confusion and subsequent recovery by the system. The isolation of the individual through information networks, the rapid circulation of people, such as mobility imposed by the market and the grim machinery of consumption and wage labor, but do not incapacitate the time to create a real links with both spaces as with people and have destroyed what made possible the community and sharing in a social environment understandable. Concepts such as town, district, etc. have become simulacra of what might have been the way to the development of popular and independent projects.

What is the point, once assumed this scenario, a radio program that deepens (all you can delve into a medium like radio and weekly doses an hour, of course) in these ideas? That is, what are the motivations of the Country of Last Things? They will not bring any solutions to these issues, because frankly, the know, but to start working a problem is must accept it in advance and be clear that is what has brought us to the edge of this abyss. The recognition that the situation is very bad does not mean that nothing worthwhile. We are much @ sl @ s that we are aware that this system will burst sooner or later because it rests on fallacies, and by repression and social control, and we must begin to organize, maintain contact, to be formed to discuss, to expose our enemy @ s @ s, of course, to build and strengthen free media spaces and to work and interact.

The program is broadcast on Sundays at 20:00 , and he will be commenting on the news that come out over a week. Is divided into several sections, namely, ecology, energy crisis and social control. With respect to last season has been removed from the economy section, where the news commenting on this matter and especially related to real estate speculation and the housing bubble. This year it is occasionally business news and financial crises, but two of l @ s three comrades were doing the program s have left Bilbao and I can not prepare all sections, so I preferred to focus on what I know a little better. It will be doing interviews and try to keep track of the struggles related to try and block calls around these. I take this letter to appeal to groups and individuals who do not try to change this system but to fight to participate in the program and contact me, to send information. And extend the invitation to tod @ s @ s that they want to discuss these issues on the agenda. Because our lives are in it.

A greeting.

can listen to programs:
- Live, through internet for which you are not the issue area IROL Irratia on the link below Sunday at 20:00. For those who are in Bilbao, 107.5FM
- Anytime. Here are the
recorded programs - To stay aware of new programs, you can subscribe to programs


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