Saturday, July 11, 2009

Money Bridal Shower Poem

Thursday, 09 July meeting

09 This past Thursday, we met again at the travel agency Health Ruymán Bajo, despite the summer dates in which we have brought together many people interested in being able to participate in this forum.

This time, it was single-minded way, the future railway system in the island, with a technical overview of the project first by an Industrial Engineer and a subsequent lively debate on the transport model.

The introduction discussed the following points:

  • Project background and current situation:
    - Budget in 2000 -> 500 M € compared to 2000 M € from the current project.
    - Reducing the number of stops: from the original 12 to 7 today.
  • planned route:
    - said one alternative is buses, taking the same model train.
    - North Path-Orotava and Guimar connection.
  • Regulations.
  • Who will manage the rail system. Uses
  • be given to infrastructure:
    - Goods.
    - Passengers. Comparison
  • Suburban High Speed \u200b\u200bVs
    - Analysis and comparison between the planned high-speed compared to other more appropriate alternative with the reality that has not been taken into account, such as the Suburban.
    - Advantages and disadvantages of each.
    - Conditioning.
    - Estimated cost -> estimate of the ticket in each model. Trains
  • Expected
    - Analysis of expected and unexpected machinery.
  • stations provided:
    - Presentation and comments on the various stations to be on the path.
  • Depot:
    - Analysis and explanation of the rationale for their location in the TM of Fasnia.
  • railway platform.
    - Display of a section of the railway platform, noting the impact on the field of railway infrastructure.
  • Track:
    - Display of some parts of plot, with photomontages of how the field would be infrastructure.
  • island
  • Other rail systems:
    - Analysis of model rail Mallorca, FEVE line between Palma and Manacor.

Already in the subsequent discussion, each of the attendees gave their opinion on both the suitability of the infrastructure, and the problems that can lead in certain areas could be affected population centers, the be crossed by tunnels without the relevant technical guarantees and the null and dubious information from the promoters of this project.

As the meeting agreement was adopted that as a position on this project, it should be HAMSTRINGING until thoroughly investigates the suitability of the rail system itself, as the proposal made stud (High Speed) until there is a real SOCIAL DEBATE and is the citizenship that choose which model you want for the future transport , given the importance of both social econónima as a project of this size, and examining all possible alternatives, as could be the buses, commuter or any other formula. Tenerife Mobility Forum

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lazer Spine Institutecomplaints

FMT complaint further cuts in routes and services

The restructuring of the services associated with the new planning council, and the tram line 2, is penalizing the use of the bus by a serious increase in discomfort for the user.

Mobility Forum Metropolitan Area, which increasingly involved neighborhood associations and organized groups concerned with the problems associated with mobility, denounces the serious situation being faced by users of the buses to the restructuring and new cuts raised by the Cabildo de Tenerife.

Line 105 (Santa Cruz, Punta del Hidalgo): This line, which initially was traveling from the northeastern suburbs to Santa Cruz, had the first cut when the service was removed to Santa Cruz on the weekends, and forcing users to make a change at La Laguna. However, the situation has worsened recently when the council decided to extend this cut to the last two buses (21:00 and 21:30) that circulate during the week. From now on, users who need to travel to Santa Cruz, sometimes for transshipment to other towns or other municipalities, and in many cases, move to the Northeast for work, must get off at La Laguna and make a new transfer.

This is serious as the problems of discomfort which is to find a new means of transportation during the night, with cold, insecurity, and reducing lines and frequencies on all lines, and by the increase in costs .

Southeast: services were being suspended about 2 tram line, such as 013 and 237, among others, following the new restructuring. For those that go beyond the tram line towards the southeast to the height of the road, the average wait for a bus has now grown to about forty minutes on weekends and thirty during the week, several lines changing routes and shuttle stops.

This also is associated with a serious lack of information so that users often find that your line is suspended when, after a long wait, they realize that their bus passes will no longer stop at which are, or frequency has changed.

addition, services have been deleted in the villages, as reinforcements in Candelaria.

Disaster planning: Mobility Forum also denounced the council's poor planning, as demonstrated on many occasions, but especially in dates such as recently occurred on the day of San Juan. That day, he maximum coverage in The Teresitas, accompanied by a lavish advertising service, which proved a major success as hundreds of people decided to use public transport. However, as has happened before, not given continuity to the service in Santa Cruz, and the thousands of people were trapped in the station, because it was not enough buses to get close to their neighborhoods. This led to fights, protests and acts of vandalism.

addition, the tram started operating at the usual time, but much later.

Such situations occur steadily since TITSA powers were assumed by the council, as always foreseen TITSA services in the festivities. This also occurred in the pilgrimage of Tegueste or Carnival Day of Santa Cruz.

To solve these problems, the Forum calls upon the citizens to claim their rights by submitting complaints individually or through their AAVV, because in this way shall register the discontent that does not normally be reflected in any document to "bring the red face "to the competent authorities.