Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Darken Tan Leather Purse

II Road Traffic Education Provincial Congress for early education teachers and Primary

On Friday November 5, at facilities of the Library of the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, will be held, the "II Provincial Road Safety Education for Teachers of Early and Primary Level" , which has been declared of Provincial Education by Resolution No. 2839/2010 DGCyE.

With the presence of about six hundred (600) teachers will meet to work throughout the day, we believe that this action is a step in the work aims to generate changes in the culture vial of our community.

Done in the implementation framework Safe School Program that directs the Institute of Road Safety and Education (ISEV) and organized jointly with the Provincial Road Safety Policy and the Province of Buenos Aires, this Congress will try to continue with teacher training at provincial, adding a new space for debate and reflection on this specific matter.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Training Of O Best Of Stream

van Tipping Hazard Safe School Program

Improper use of a cargo vehicle such as trucks, is constant news by incidents involving injured or killed, people traveling in the back of them.

A reality in our continent, a difficult solution but requires urgent treatment.

recommend the following VIDEO

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Do You Not Be Awkward Around

malignant Alchemy

Thinking and implement cities for people, makes visible a paradigmatic metamorphosis, present, influential, pervasive, and yet invisible.

The soft parts are hardened and tough have softened.

brain tissue, cortical or deep pantry symbolic of ideas, values, prejudices, ideas or beliefs, genesis of our actions, is extremely soft, fragile, seemingly vulnerable.

and urban infrastructure, sidewalks, driveways, floors, walls, bridges, consisting mainly of cement, iron, asphalt, some wood, or synthetic, is hard, solid. Are deformable structures, except employing participating arts specific tools and techniques, expertise and quite a few resources.

And yet, finding the pantry logical relationship between ideas and symbolism of urban infrastructure, leads me to conclude that foreign investment has been a feature of softness and hardness.

apparently solid structures, modified, redesigned, demolish and reconstruct with ease and simplicity that far surpasses the modification of ideas and convictions.

example of this is what happens when the streets are seen close to motorized transportation, it is easier to widen the roads designed for them, rather than planning changes to the mobility habits of citizens. More surface for moving vehicles is still the preferred option, while, find that each inhabitant consumes less public space in their movements, is still a marginal line of action, strange, distant from the offices of politicians, community or technical units regional.

Meanwhile, and contrary to the urban infrastructure, structures soft in appearance, seem armored, protected by a force field that resists the humanitarian arguments and planetariums. The ideas of those who by their actions-or omissions-are in a position to influence the shaping of our environment (in the case, called Valdivia) seem immune to objective knowledge of the local and global contingency life-threatening climate change, sedentary lifestyle, social disorganization, noise, congestion, traffic fatalities, loss of original ecosystems, loss of public space for recreation and encounter, installation of fear as a regulator of coexistence vial. These are realities that do not seem to make a dent in the dynamics of decision making.

"causes, explanations?

influence below the table of the automotive market and the fossil fuels, the link between quality of life and move less, the social status associated with a particular transport through the bias of those in power who plan cities according to their perspective and the political game to ensure the popularity of the current authorities on the basis of short-sighted measures, among other factors, I have called this evil alchemy.

And the breeding ground for these ingredients Fraga and engage with force, is public apathy and ignorance. It is true that Valdivia has a neighboring battalion organized, educated and active compared to the average Chilean cities is significant. But in light of the results is still insufficient.

Regarding road infrastructure, alchemy malignant Valdivia has a new child, and baptized by members EnBICIa2 as Spawn. Avenida Las Encinas, Isla Teja, parallel to Avenida Los Robles, was recently remodeled and paved. now has 4 tracks on the road, straight, wide, and on the north side, on the sidewalk, is Spawn, an angled, narrow band, for the traffic of bicycles, which is just idiocy embodied, or an attempt to ridicule and prejudice for cyclists and pedestrians, or another example of ignorance and invisibility of their needs and rights, or recognition of those who are mobilized in other prevail over those responsible for the construction of this road.

O ignorance and insensitivity also lives in me and so I fail to understand, much less acceptance of the phenomenon.

Or all of the above.

In this scenario, the project "Network of Bikeways to Valdivia, so far found only in texts and maps in public offices and consulting IAC APIA XXI SA , it becomes a threat Megaengendro, a work in progress and improved quality of life Valdivia.

neighboring The battalion organized, educated and active, should grow, cohere, organize, meet.

Otherwise, alchemy evil monsters continue to produce profit for the few and harm to many, present and future human and nonhuman.