Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Darken Tan Leather Purse

II Road Traffic Education Provincial Congress for early education teachers and Primary

On Friday November 5, at facilities of the Library of the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, will be held, the "II Provincial Road Safety Education for Teachers of Early and Primary Level" , which has been declared of Provincial Education by Resolution No. 2839/2010 DGCyE.

With the presence of about six hundred (600) teachers will meet to work throughout the day, we believe that this action is a step in the work aims to generate changes in the culture vial of our community.

Done in the implementation framework Safe School Program that directs the Institute of Road Safety and Education (ISEV) and organized jointly with the Provincial Road Safety Policy and the Province of Buenos Aires, this Congress will try to continue with teacher training at provincial, adding a new space for debate and reflection on this specific matter.



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