Friday, February 4, 2011

Woodstove Best Temperature

The municipality of Viña del Mar sign was moved to the Salinas-Reñaca Ciclovía ... what? The Evil Alchemy

The installation of the sign mentioned in the post above ( The Evil Alchemy germinates in Viña del Mar ) speaks contempt, disrespect, disregard and / or technical incompetence on urban roads. For me at least, I satisfied a change of location of the cartel, as to such serious events, which corresponds to a context to act serious and professional, is:

1, analysis of the genesis of the event, ask and answer what are the factors at the governance of the municipality of Viña that allow such acts occur? Why emerging evidence speak of protocols, standards of intervention for urban roads, differentiated motor, cyclists and pedestrians? Is the problem is internal rules? "On people who apply? Bias "in the visions of those who govern the city or try to obey the rulers? Have you ever seen a sign blocking a road bike power? Never! Why? Or a street intervention of the court at 100% and that does not include the implementation of an alternative to motorized affected? Why yes it is normal for bikeways and sidewalks?

If not detected and modify the factors working in favor of this nonsense, these will occur, and citizen activism towards sustainable mobility will be reduced to kindly point out where the authorities are putting feet to please if possible and not many condors settle their discomfort.

Attacking the problem involves only solve their effects or to identify the root and there to act from happening again?

2 º if hypothetically happen as I described above, to analyze causes and correct the root of the problem to ensure that not happening again, it is a public apology on the name card for the duration of the hole with tree newly repaired Reñaca reaching the sidewalk, by the poor design of the bike path in the sections with parking lots between Salinas and Vine, by crossing murderer who designed with the permission of Osvaldo Urrutia underpass in the Sea Garden and many more.

I admit that in my comments there is some personal discomfort, I almost dare to recognize a trace of bitterness, given that Messrs. Arias and Osvaldo Urrutia Alamiro knew them as inept and a sly contempt towards the rider, only brown the pill because the topic is fashionable and politically correct. But this admission does not negate what I said. I reiterate what I stated, for the town of Viña and in particular for these gentlemen, is just cicloinclusión makeup to their hollow "Viña city beautiful"


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