Monday, October 22, 2007

Can Cats Have Sudafed

my sorrow for the embalming of

By Otto Lührs

usually to make kinds of Environmental Education, Ecology, NDR, etc., I mention to my students how crucial it is to generate bond between man and nature through meaningful experiences in natural areas, because "I wanted to take care, they want it lived (anonymous)"

experiment This principle is particularly strong in the case of the Rio Baker, whose case with the construction of hidroléctricas affects me deeply, because the love I have for that wonder in the wake of a very special time lived in it.
I want to share a fragment of the log of my cycling, February-March 2002 between Puerto Aysen and Villa O'Higgins, which reflects the time:

Day 7, Thursday 28/02/1902 AVS: 11 km / hr 55 kms.
Emerald Lake Refuge lookout "Vagabond"
are the 22: 00 pm, and am on the lookout shelter Tramp, dominating from above the Baker River valley in the area where the infant was born way to Tortel. This is a shelter-gazebo built by the soldiers at the end of the slope, and the place is simply the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life.
Whoever reads this, maybe myself in a bit longer, then ask him to slow, giving time to the imagination and feeling to recreate, as far as possible this time.
The shelter is large, octagonal-shaped southern barbecue, wood and a large pillar in the center. It has opened windows to the side of the valley and covered with plastic to the hill, where the wind attacks. Down side, there is a balcony with a large tree and on the other hand, a kitchen area with stove, benches, firewood and charcoal.
Upon arrival, I looked where the floorboards were more couples, placed the body of carp lying down between two seats over my mat and sack. From there to the kitchen, tie meat with soy sauce and pepper ... pure tea ...... my view is limited by a chain of snowy peaks lost in the horizon, soon, through which oddly glittering clouds this time of night, I announce the early appearance of the moon ... between my refuge and those mountains, swift and noisy runs the largest river in Chile, is the serpent enlightened Baker as breaks in the darkness of the night making their way in zigzag path between the coyhues forest lining the valley. As if to mimic the river, is drawn over this a thin fog that seeks to make me believe that this is a river that has its own roof ... some stars are afraid to appear between the whole sky almost clear, while a cool breeze from behind me ... and sounds, one vital component of any place that can never be caught by a picture is formed by the powerful roar of the river deep and Baker; by Vagabundo river that smaller giddy runs through the gorge along the refuge and a murmur of frogs croaking envelope giving rise to such a symphony that only nature can create ... I'm happy, living a magical moment. "


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