Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sore Throat Blood In Sputum

A world metropolis (in crisis) Granada dissolution

Urban Area of \u200b\u200bEcologists in Action (Madrid)

November 7 metropolis A planet (in crisis) is part of the book in progress on drafting slow global energy crisis and collapse of civilization Ramón Fernández Durán.

The text takes a tour of global urbanization in the last hundred years and is one of the pieces of twentieth century analysis, which devotes a special attention because of the importance of spatial dimension global capitalism. In not addressing the development of rural areas over the last century, since that analysis is done elsewhere in the future book, although links pointing to it.
The ongoing global crisis, financial, economic, food, climate and ecology, and deterninantes strong linkages with the global energy crisis, which is compounded by the crisis of U.S. hegemony is manifested especially in metropolis, hence the importance of knowing the reality of the metropolis planet "who heads the urban reality of the twenty-first century.

also a key element of the current international financial crisis is its interface with the global housing crisis, and although it has been developed especially in recent years, and not the specific object of this text, it will be discussed later, this work helps to understand how, over the last three decades, especially, laid the groundwork for chaos property that has shaken, and shaken, much of the planet.

PLANET METROPOLIS (in crisis). Urban explosion of motorized transport, thanks to oil

  • Boom and bust metropolitan population, fueled by fossil energy
  • The car, a key element in shaping of the twentieth century metropolis Metropolis
  • , capital accumulation and market expansion
  • The impact of the new metropolis of the territory and the city itself
  • The distant and global impact of the metropolis
  • lava tongue metropolitan reactive "globalization" and cheap energy
  • The XXI century metropolis, between the City and the Metropolis Global Poverty
  • disease of motor transport, and pathologically aggravated
  • New Babel and the crisis postmodern metropolis social
  • Bibliography

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