Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Super Pocket Bikes In Georgia

The new drug: Bicidependencia

found this letter a copy of the magazine CSII (Coordinating defense of Bike, Iberian Peninsula), No. 29, Winter 1999 .

Oscar, reader "without haste"

The new drug: Bicidependencia

This letter is a warning for a drug that can be introduced into your life and attack your comfort. Then know my drama, take note if you do not want to end up like me.
all started a few months ago when I had to leave the car in the shop for a week. In a situation so painful, I had was a fateful choice: to rescue the bike storage room to go to college. On Monday everything was fine, and I almost ran me over ice cream and sweat between classes. It was clear that the bike would be temporary. On Tuesday I got a scarf and raincoat to stop the wind, which began the real danger left without cold in this devil without a motor. By Friday he was already safe, just sweating and I felt more in shape. On top of that ticket 2000 of the weekly gasoline. Everything was too tempting. Misfortune had already been set: I had inadvertently become one of "them." Yes, I was hooked to the bike to move around the city. A true addiction.
And look at me now. I am an urban cyclist unsupportive and sorrowful, a disturbing element of social peace in our traffic. I suffer every morning when I am unable to take the car, see how tight the score-miles and I can not help with my bit of smoke in the streets. It's really painful.
But I'm going to rebel. I will create the foundation against bicidependencia. Is a far more widespread than you believe, for which no vaccine. We can only defend ourselves with our comfortable laziness. In countries as diverse as China and the Netherlands, it takes dyes into the epidemic problem. Even some advocates of this drug by saying that is best for them and their city. Symptoms of delirium in the total bicidependencia. Even here in our beloved and traffic Pamplona, \u200b\u200bthese biciadictos have been grouped into a sect called CCCP (Bicycle Citizens of the District of Pamplona). In a name like you would expect! Its objective, as clearly as destructor: the promotion of drug use among citizens. Please do not try the bike to move around their city, for that cruel mechanism does not distinguish sex or age. I will feel better, will not have to park, save money, but remember that they are symptoms of euphoria of a very dangerous drug. Because these issues
truth is never what it seems, but what advertising tells us. We can not take a backward step in our evolution of consumerism. Lest we leave without their traffic to a city and a people who necesitan.Por Please do not try the bike. Or become hooked.


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