Friday, October 16, 2009

Catchy Slogans For Cold Drinks

for my right to travel in my vehicle (bicycle) in Valdivia (amended 20/07/1910) Ivan

for my right to travel in my vehicle (bicycle) in Valdivia

Dedicated to Mr. that Thursday 15 I rammed his truck and the citizens who bear the same.

When driving on Thursday 15 of this month Picarte from downtown to the Coliseum on a bicycle on the road in this important way, I was overtaken by a van that invaded my space on the road passing very few cms., Placing serious risk my integrity. I caught him in the next red light, and the window went to the girl sitting back, asking an adult please do not be like his father. The driver of the truck I replied that I can not cycle on Picarte, as there are "bike path." Ended "dialogue" when I said I was arrogant as well as uneducated and to consider the traffic law.

First, I would later regret for having tried to quit in ridicule of her family, because I consider myself a defender of the family as social and relationship between parents and children should always be strengthened, so different from what I did at that time. At other times I sense violated my right to use the vehicle tracks, I channeled my anger with a Tacaza the back focus. I was also embarrassed after my act. Do not know which reaction is worse, but sometimes the anger of being rendered invisible by drivers of motor vehicles beyond me. Ask the appropriate apologies, while empathy appeal to drivers of motor vehicles, with whom we travel by bicycle around the city. Has much to feel like prey among predators, such as calf herd (is why I do not approve this so-called sport?).

Second, some technical clarifications. In the non-vehicular traffic lives (mainly pedestrians) and vehicle. In itself, within the latter, coexist motorized and non motorized (mainly cyclists). For supposedly peaceful coexistence and equal each other, according to the idiosyncratic culture of values, economic model, among other factors, each region, nation, city or neighborhood, a choice between segregation and integration of different users, considering the mass ratios (speed + weight) and hence injury-generating potential of each. But make no mistake or confusion since he acts arrogant justified: WE ARE ALL TRAFFIC. For

Valdivian traffic segregation is recognized only between the no vehicle / pedestrian (sidewalk) and vehicles (road). There is almost no exclusive track for motorized transportation and nonmotorized, by definition it is assumed that the routes are generally integrated Valdivian, ie, traffic motorized and nonmotorized must share the road. It is not intended to judge this situation, to think about whether it is favorable or unfavorable for some and others just want to explain the current situation of coexistence vehicular Valdivia, from infrastructure and legislation.

Art. 2 of Law 18290, defines road "part of a route intended for use by vehicles and animals" and vehicle "means by which on which or by which any person or object can be transported by road. " That is, the bicycle is a vehicle legally usable on the road of Picarte, and therefore my right to wear a full track of this road, but my speed usually does not exceed 20 km / hr and this uncomfortable those wishing to go faster.

In other Chilean cities or other countries, it is possible to separate this first classification, and recognition for the survival of motor vehicle traffic and non-motorized, integrated way, segregated partially or completely segregated. Perhaps the latter alternative was referring to Mr. from the van when talking about bike path.

Again, this is for other cities, because in Valdivia, under current legislation and existing road infrastructure, there is only talk of vehicle tracks, no more. And therefore, we must share the streets out of respect, tolerance, patience sometimes, or put another way, showing our sense of movement, education or simply culture.

take this instance to express a concern. I have heard, most rumors, that in Valdivia if you are planning bicycle paths, which leads me questions: Where and when? How? "Replicate errors that occur systematically in this area along the country? And most importantly, how will this work resulted in the expression of the will of the people? Does the municipality of Valdivia or Regional Government in its policies for handling the systematization of citizen participation?. Otto

Lührs Middleton


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