Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Does Illimitux Do?

lllich, selected passages

transcripts extracted from the book Collected Works of Ivan Illich, in his books "convivial", "Alternatives" and "Energy and Equity." As I understand, "convivial" and "Energy and Equity" are works that emerged when the rewrite what was originally published under the title Machines for living together. "

Enjoy it,

Illich, I. (2006) Collected Works: The conviviality. Mexico: FCE 373

thresholds are not to be exceeded. We must recognize that human slavery not abolished the machine, but just got a new face, as he crossed a threshold, the tool becomes the despot server. I call 374

convivial society to one in which the modern tool is a service of the individual integrated into the community and not in the service of a body of specialists. Coexistence is the society in which the man controls the tool. The man who
finds his joy and balance in the use of the tool convivial, I call him austere. 381

It took over a century to move from the liberation achieved by motorized vehicles, slavery imposed by the automobile.
gradually began to confuse the good with the high speed movement.
The whole society devoted to the service each time is longer than it has to win. 382

School is not a good educational tool, not the car a good instrument for transport. 384

The person, the basic unit, combining in an optimal way efficiency and autonomy, is the only scale that should determine the human need in which social production is achievable.

Each of us is defined by the relationship with others and the environment, as well as the solid structure of the tools you use.

The conviviality is individual freedom, made in the production process within a society equipped with effective tools. Alternative

should greet the crisis of the dominant institutions declared as the dawn of a revolutionary liberation emancipate us from those who mutilate the bodies basic freedom of man, with only to harass more and more users. The global crisis of the institutions can make us reach a new state of consciousness, which affects the nature of the tool and action to follow.

technocratic Threat of Revelation, I oppose the vision of a convivial society. Convivial society rest on their social contracts that guarantee everyone the greater and freer access to community tools, with the condition not to injure the equal freedom of access to the other. 387

In the era of scientific technology, but a convivial structure of the tool can combine the survival and equity. 389

The world today is divided in two: those who take cars off the road and those driving such vehicles. 396

Any object taken as a means to an end becomes a tool.
The tool is inherent in social relationships. As long as I act like a man, I use tools. According to the master or she bring me down, tool or link me or I dissociated from the social body. While the tool master, I give the world my way, when I mastered the tool, its structure conforms and informs me that I have represented myself. Convivial tool is what leaves me more latitude and the greatest power to change the world as far from my intention. The industrial tool I deny this power, indeed, by their means is one who decides my case, it reduces my margin of control and govern my own sense. Most of the tools around me today were not used so convivial.

The tool is both a means of control and energy transforming element. As is known, the man has two types of energy, self-generated (or metabolic energy) and extracting from the outside. The man driving the first and second handles. That's why I will make a distinction between the tool handle and tool manipulation.
handy tool fits the metabolic energy to a specific task. Is multivalent, as the original flint hammer or knife. Is univalent, highly elaborate, as the potter's wheel, the loom, the treadle sewing machine or the dentist's drill. Handy tool can achieve the complexity of an organization of transport that takes human energy maximum mobility, as in a system of bicycles or tricycles, which correspond to a network of tracks and perhaps covered maintenance stations. The handy tool is the host of metabolic energy, the hand, foot, dominate, energy that can produce either she asks him to eat and breathe. 397

manipulable tool is moved, at least in part by external power, can lead to increased human energy: the oxen pulling the plow, but to guide the farmer needed. Also a forklift or an electric saw conjungan energy metabolism with exogenous energy. However, the tool can be manipulated to exceed the human scale. The energy that provides the pilot of a supersonic aircraft is no longer significant part of the energy consumed on the flight. The pilot is a simple operator whose action is governed by data from a computer. And there's someone else in the cockpit, because the computer is imperfect or because the pilots' union is powerful and organized. The tool is convivial
to the extent that everyone can use it without difficulty, as often as you wish and for the purposes it determines. Use that every one makes of it does not invade the freedom of others to do the same. Nobody needs a diploma to be entitled to use it at will, it can take or not. Between man and the world she is a driver of meaning, a translator of intentionality.
Some institutions are structurally convivial tools to regardless of their technological level.
handy tool called convivial use. 399

is not about banning a tool for the simple fact that, according to our classification, can anticonvivencial classified. These criteria are guidelines for action. ...
A convivial society does not suppress high-speed intercity transport, unless its existence prevents guarantee the whole population the possibility to move at the speed and pace you want. 401

In ancient civilizations, energy resources were distributed equitably. Every human being, by their biological constitution, preparing for life of all the potential energy needed to consciously transform the physical environment at will, since the source was his own body on the condition that it be kept in good health.

Certainly, the human metabolism is not sufficient to ensure all energy desirable, but in most cultures are maintained even as its primary source: the man knew his service to certain natural forces. 403

power was limited, was based on the level of the population, the strength of the body supplied

Restoring the ecological balance depends on the social body's ability to react to the progressive realization of values. Monopoly radical

I understand a type of domination by a product, beyond what is commonly referred to as well. Thus
transport can have a monopoly on traffic: Cars can shape a city in his image, virtually eliminating travel on foot or bicycle, as in Los Angeles. When the car
done purely nominal right to walk-it is no longer there in circulation plus Chevrolets that Peugeots, "given the radical monopoly. People are forced to be transported and become powerless to move without an engine, that is radical monopoly. 427

People will choose the bike when it has calculated the price you pay for fast vehicles. 449-450

In the current time, scientific research is oriented massively to the reduction of man, through the pursuit of two objectives: firstly, to ensure the technological advances that can help produce better products, on the other hand, systems analysis applied to the manipulation of the survival of the human species to preserve its best use. To enable man to be, future research should go in a radically opposite, must reach the root of evil. We will give the name of radical research. Radical research also pursues two objectives: firstly to present criteria for determining when a tool reaches a threshold of harm, on the other, inventing tools that optimize life balance and thus maximize the freedom of each individual. The first objective the formulation of the five kinds of thresholds identified above. The second focuses on the technical limitations of welfare.
radical research is not a new scientific discipline or an interdisciplinary venture. Dimensional analysis is the relationship of man and his tool. 451

The prevalence of transport on the movement of people, may serve to illustrate the difference between what is the frontier of balance and what is a limit chosen to flourish equal enjoyment of freedom.
Defending against radical monopoly may mean ban cars. Without these measures, transportation threat to society. The balance between ends and means I have outlined here, we present a new criterion for selecting the tool. Consideration of this new equilibrium, we may drive to outlaw all 452 public transport faster than the speed of the bicycle.

There dysfunction in circulation since this support, at a given point of the system, faster than the bicycle. That is why the speed of the bicycle can serve as a criterion in determining the critical threshold.

490 were changed radically socially desirable ways to meet the needs. The engine atrophied muscle, schooling mortified curiosity. 491

freedom to move was downgraded in the effort to produce, distribute and consume the right to transport. 516

I use the term "radical monopoly" to describe another reality: the replacement of useful activities to which the pound, or would like to get rid of, the people, by an industrial or professional service. Paradoxical
specific, counterproductivity installed. Employ this term whenever the impotence resulting from the replacement of a use value for their product just for that product deprived of its value. 517

Man-passive-consumer ends up losing the ability to make the difference between living and surviving

Illich, I. (2006) Collected Works: Alternatives. Mexico: FCE

157 is not the lack of usable fuel, but the propensity to abuse power maniac the real reason for this crisis. 159

The vehicles that exceed critically on the use of energy impose the social structure of space and time, the hierarchy of privileges. 159-160

The transport of people is the result of two different processes. One is based on the momentum human muscle strength, and implies, therefore, labor intensive, has use value, but in most cases, no exchange value, and is, by nature, self-sufficient. Sandals almost everyone has around mobility horizon 15 km bike triple the radio, and Mays is 10 times the surface of this new circle. The second process is based on the propulsion power and requires intensive capital, presupposes an industry, have good character and, if unchecked, create needs faster than you can meet them.
Nobody can save your time in a motor vehicle without forcing others to sacrifice theirs. The person is highly "accelerated" stolen lifetime of the "less rapid", and does so with the excuse of higher productivity. This "transfer lifetime" cause ethical problems far greater than those produced by the selection of patients for a heart transplant or for the use of an artificial kidney. Car and Bike
can serve as symbols of two alternatives to the modern technology. The car, and the planned city around him, forcing the individual to be a slave to an industry that is brimming with energy. In a space created for cycling, and at the same time appropriate to your speed, industrial products would be distributed to everyone alike.
fast vehicles not only cause impotence and the expense of life, also rise, while hidden, unfair distribution of benefits. All distances are longer for all but the solution belongs to a few. Much of the time wasted in transportation is taken away to those who, day after day, are doomed to travel slowly in increasingly larger cities. 161

The bicycle allowed a new use of human strength. On flat ground, a man can move four times faster, spending per mile one-fifth of the calories, provided you do a bike instead of walk. The cost and maintenance this type of equipment requires little investment of time and displacement volume and do not require large space. The Chinese can buy a bike that will last a lifetime, and only with their limited salary and a small fraction of working hours as a European need to acquire a car that, usually, goes out of fashion just bought. Forty thousand people crossing a bridge in an hour, take two train tracks were used, four tracks if traveling by bus, 12, if they do drive, and less than two if they do it by bike.
In our society, with higher speeds and, therefore, with increasing energy use per capita, the vehicle motor has been relegated to the background to the vehicle driven by the very strength of humans. 162

The result of high vehicle speeds is that most people have lost a lot of freedom, equality and efficiency of movement, to "win", however, in rigid schedules, time constraints and lower output per hour traveled. This means that a large majority group, and because the medium has already been distorted in favor of fast cars, is robbed of the possibility of moving on their own.

Illich, I. (2006) Collected Works, Energy and Equity. Mexico: FCE

believe in the possibility of high levels of clean energy as a solution to all ills, is a political misjudgment. Is to imagine that equity in the sharing of power and energy consumption can grow together.
My thesis argues that it is possible to reach a social state based on the notion of equity and simultaneously increase the mechanical energy available, except under the condition that the energy consumption per head is kept within limits. 333-334

Man is to be aware of their living space and your time limit. Integrates both through its action, the implementation of its energy circumstances where it is. To this end uses instruments of various types, some of them are more effect of the metabolic energy available, and others allow you to find energy sources that are outside his body.
energy, transformed into physical work, you can integrate your space and time. Deprived of sufficient energy is doomed to be a mere spectator in a space that still oppresses. By using their hands and feet transformed the space, simple territory for animal, home and homeland. By increasing the efficiency in implementing their own energy, so beautiful. By learning to use new energy sources, expand it puts me in danger. Beyond a certain point, the use of motorized power inevitably begins to oppress. 335

The circulation will distinguish two means of locomotion: the movement of people who use their own strength to move from one point to another and motorized transport

Who will get to walk to work to create an environment along its route, who travels the road by car is deprived of a multitude of options: stop, access, contacts. 338

For geographical impact, the transport industry mold a new kind of men users. The user lives in a different world from the people endowed with the autonomy of its members. 339

The user is exasperated by the growing inequality, the shortage of time and his own impotence, but foolishly put their only hope for more of the same thing: more traffic through more transport.
may not capture the insanity inherent in the circulation system that relies mainly on transport. Their perception of the relationship of space over time has been the subject of industrial distortion. Has lost the power to be seen as anything but a user. Transport intoxicated, lost consciousness from the physical powers, social and psychological man available, thanks to his feet. Forget that the territory is created by the man with his body, and takes the territory what 340 is but a landscape seen through a window by a man tied to his chair. Mark does not know the scope of their domains with his steps, and meet the neighbors, walking in the square. No longer finds the other without crashing, does not come without a motor drive. And daily orbit around it alienates free territory. 345

Today, people are forced to work most of the day to pay for necessary travel to go to work.
time traffic-ridden, the man deprived of their mobility and submitted to rely on the wheels, the vehicle service architecture, all this is a result of reorganization the world subject to the acceleration arrogant. 346

order to understand the dysfunction that is analyzed to distinguish between the movement, transit and transport. Designo circulating movement of persons. Called transit movements made with man muscle power and transportation to those who resort to mechanical engines to move people and packages.
Within this perspective, there are two different ways of producing circulation. Transport, which is the form based on intensive use of capital, traffic, based on how intensive the human body. Transport is predominantly a product of industry, traffic is not, can not. Who passes in the act is essentially his own master, who uses a passenger or transport user, a customer inevitably industry.

347 Speed, to become mandatory, it ruins the traffic in favor of motorized transport
The industry has a monopoly on the movement when everyday life comes to depend on mechanical movement.
The reorganization of the empty engine for power and the innate ability to sense movement.

349 can not identify the conditions for optimum circulation without deciding in advance that the movement in question must be the locomotive of people and no vehicles. Sitting
the premise that man is born with high mobility, characteristic of their being and traditionally successful, it imposes the problem of how to safeguard the natural mobility, despite the measures taken to "improve"

Man moving effectively without the aid of any implement. Makes your walking path. The locomotion of every ounce of his own body or cargo on each kilometer in 10 minutes, 0.75 calories you consume.
This efficiency ratio of less than one calorie per gram, historically organized its circulation system, predominantly based on traffic. He explored world cultures think he said businesses and, as we know, it spent more than 3.5% of social time to move out of your home or camp.
a century ago, man invented a machine that endowed him with even greater efficiency: the bicycle. The cycling enables the human body motion clears a final barrier. Allows you to use the available metabolic energy and speed of locomotion to the theoretical limit. In flat terrain, the rider is three or four times faster than the pedestrian, spending a total of five times less calories per mile than this. The transport of a gram of your body over the distance does not consume more than 0.15 calorie. With the bicycle, the man beyond the possible yield from any machine and any animal evolved. 354

The bicycle is the invention of the same generation that created the motor car, but the two inventions are symbols of progress made in opposite directions by modern man. The bike allows each one to control the use of its own energy, the motor vehicle users inevitably makes rival each other for energy, space and time. 355

endowed men born about the same mobility. This innate capacity for movement advocates equal freedom in choosing their destiny. The notion of equity may serve as a basis to defend the fundamental right against any limitation. Within this perspective, no matter what the threat to free exercise of the right to move and choose their own destiny: the prison, the ban on crossing borders, seclusion within an urban environment that prevents the inherent mobility of the person sole purpose of transforming a member. The fact that our contemporaries, mostly, are tied to his seat by his seat belt ideological, not sufficient for the fundamental right to freedom of movement becomes obsolete. Human mobility is the only valid standard for measuring the contribution that any system then transport to the circulation. If transport is restricted transit, transportation circulation decline ago. To distinguish the carriage
mutilates the right of movement that it widens, it must be recognized that vehicles may impede traffic triple: breaking the flow, isolating destination hierarchical categories and increasing the loss of time associated with the movement. We have found the key to the movement. 356

The coexistence of vehicles powered only by dint of human metabolic energy and other assisted by other, shall be adjusted only if preference is given absolute autonomy movement of men and by protecting human geography against those speeds distort it in geography vehicle. 357

is the site of post-industrial world of efficiency, where the industrial mode of production to supplement the social production without monopolizing. In other words, there is a site for a world of technological maturity. In terms of movement, this is the world of those who have broadened their horizons to 13 miles daily, riding his bike. At the same time, the world is marked by a variety of other subsidiaries available for when the bike is not enough and when an increase in the drive does not hinder or equality or freedom. Also is the world's long journey, a world where every place is open to anyone, at his discretion and speed, without haste or fear, by vehicles crossing distances without plowing the earth on which man has walked with feet for hundreds of thousands of years.


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