Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bloating Following Food Poisoning

germinates in Viña del Mar

It's been a while since the last time I mentioned the Municipality of Viña del Mar in this blog, but the sign of the photo, new evidence that pedestrians and cyclists are to this county citizens 2 nd category gives merit to make this comment.

For readers riders a picture speaks, or shouts stupidity alone. For readers non-cyclists, explicitly emphasized the lower right corner of the poster CAUTION, is angled and metallic edge to the head height of an average cyclist, IN the bike path.

To try to at least take this new insult to common sense of anonymity and impunity, I checked the web , and found that in charges responsible for these interventions road, there are three historical years ago and make mischief in the fief of Tia Coty, Mayor of Viña del Mar: Osvaldo Urrutia Soto, Secretary Community Planning ; Moya Patricio Marquez , Director of the Directorate of Operations and Services and Alamiro Lazo Arias, Director of the Department of Traffic and Public Transport. The latter, has among its functions, as outlined in the PDF REGULATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF VIÑA DEL MAR AND ITS AMENDMENTS, the "properly signposted roads." What are understanding the Muni Viña by "properly"? The signage in question is for motorists, but it invades the space for non-motorized citizens.

feel reconfirm my impression: for the Municipality of Viña del Mar, pro infrastructure - transportation human traction is not just a nice light makeup to save the slogan "Vine, City Beautiful." A real commitment for sustainable transport, it would, technically and professionally correct, at least in this city government is a possibility for which I have no hope.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Cut Churidaar Pyjama



"Just for Today" (*)

Just for today, I doubt my natural condition of infallible and simularé that I can be wrong, driving my car, concentrate on it, with the phone off, and with the right speed to avoid the risk of hitting my loved ones. Figure this one out at the pedestrian, whom I love most.

Just for today I will exercise my gifts resign "twin" to those of Fangio and pretend that I can not alter the rules of physics, "stuck" on the bumper of the vehicle on the highway above me, and keep the distance appropriate that the law "capricious" is intended to impose.

Just for today I'll do the magnanimous effort to ignore the obvious evil of another when locks me, or does not respect my ongoing priority and assume he could have been wrong in the maneuver.

Just for today, disappoint the "undeniable appetite collector" state, boycott their ambition fine, just following the law and respecting what the road signs indicate.

Just for today, resign my legitimate aspiration to be in the Guinness World Records, by linking two cities in the shortest time "impossible" and the gross weight of the entire family, including children! inside the cabin.

Just for today, as a pedestrian, do not exercise my supernatural powers to warn of danger, and I will ensure the road junction, making the huge effort to look both ways before putting my foot or my baby stroller on the road.

Just for today, as cyclist, I lie and I assume that my bike is one more vehicle on the road and therefore must comply with traffic rules, respecting traffic signals and directions.

Just for today, as political and social leader of my community, I will exercise my role, my undeniable showing "dedication to service" to it, resign my particular "immediate political gains" through a simple "action for the cameras TV ", and instead, pursuing effective solutions, to develop programs and commitments to my peers, their own and other supporters, to achieve genuine policy of state health care and the life of the citizen, whether or not my constituents.

Just for today, to go to bed, exhausted by the effort, imagine for a moment that morning when I woke up, it can be today.



Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2010 Dr. Eduardo Bertotti

Director ISEV

(*) Title "plagiarized" a thought of John XXIII

Monday, December 13, 2010

Epson R265 Problem Z Resetem

chain Shock, shock AVOIDABLE

often hear or see in the media that there was a "pile-up." In chain, because many vehicles are involved, but we could also say "chain" because they are the result of a series of errors "chained up."


recommend you to see the next video in the minute 6.24

Aviaries For Sale Pricing

E-learning Driver Education for Teachers

Given the importance of Safety Education at this time and acquires in response to many requests from teachers for training in this subject, during the month of November we launched the first course of e-learning Virtual Driver Education for Teachers through Educational Portal of the State's (EDUC.AR) and in accompanying Mutual Insurance Protection Public Transportation Automotive.

This course is designed for those teachers interested in addressing road safety education in the classroom as a means to awaken in students a desire to develop safe behaviors in public, self-care guidelines preservation of the environment, through critical reflection on the current mobility. Through it, try to understand the scope that involves human traffic accident, and from that understanding, be addressed in future interventions, specific knowledge and procedures to help develop the skills to prevent them.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fun Facts About The Number 11

Sunday, 21 November World Day of Remembrance for victims of road accidents "Child Restraint Systems

UN Secretary-General's Message on World Day of Remembrance for victims of traffic accidents

21 November 2010


When Does Cervix Open For Period


When we undertake a journey we must take all possible security measures.
Among them are those that we use for our children. Children under 10 must travel, preferably in the back seat with the harness for the doors and the vehicle is not operable by them. It is very common during travel, children get bored and tend to open doors without knowing the damage it can cause.

Parents need to become aware that traffic accidents are a leading cause of death child.


Creepy Crawlers Dolls


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Copies Of Power Of Attorney

Successful Second Congress Provincial Education

Produced within the framework of implementation of the School Program Segura who runs the Institute of Road Safety and Education (ISEV) and organized jointly with the Provincial Road Safety Policy and the Province of Buenos Aires, this Congress continues with teacher training at the provincial level, bringing new space for debate and reflection on this specific matter.

He had the backing of the provincial education authorities, and especially the Regional 2nd., Under the auspices of the National Road Safety Agency and Provincial Educational Interest declared by ResoluciónDGCyEN ° 2839/2010.

emphasize the cooperation received from Protection Mutual Insurance Public Passenger Transport, a company that is sponsoring the various activities of the Safe School Program.

View Report



Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Darken Tan Leather Purse

II Road Traffic Education Provincial Congress for early education teachers and Primary

On Friday November 5, at facilities of the Library of the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, will be held, the "II Provincial Road Safety Education for Teachers of Early and Primary Level" , which has been declared of Provincial Education by Resolution No. 2839/2010 DGCyE.

With the presence of about six hundred (600) teachers will meet to work throughout the day, we believe that this action is a step in the work aims to generate changes in the culture vial of our community.

Done in the implementation framework Safe School Program that directs the Institute of Road Safety and Education (ISEV) and organized jointly with the Provincial Road Safety Policy and the Province of Buenos Aires, this Congress will try to continue with teacher training at provincial, adding a new space for debate and reflection on this specific matter.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Training Of O Best Of Stream

van Tipping Hazard Safe School Program

Improper use of a cargo vehicle such as trucks, is constant news by incidents involving injured or killed, people traveling in the back of them.

A reality in our continent, a difficult solution but requires urgent treatment.

recommend the following VIDEO

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Do You Not Be Awkward Around

malignant Alchemy

Thinking and implement cities for people, makes visible a paradigmatic metamorphosis, present, influential, pervasive, and yet invisible.

The soft parts are hardened and tough have softened.

brain tissue, cortical or deep pantry symbolic of ideas, values, prejudices, ideas or beliefs, genesis of our actions, is extremely soft, fragile, seemingly vulnerable.

and urban infrastructure, sidewalks, driveways, floors, walls, bridges, consisting mainly of cement, iron, asphalt, some wood, or synthetic, is hard, solid. Are deformable structures, except employing participating arts specific tools and techniques, expertise and quite a few resources.

And yet, finding the pantry logical relationship between ideas and symbolism of urban infrastructure, leads me to conclude that foreign investment has been a feature of softness and hardness.

apparently solid structures, modified, redesigned, demolish and reconstruct with ease and simplicity that far surpasses the modification of ideas and convictions.

example of this is what happens when the streets are seen close to motorized transportation, it is easier to widen the roads designed for them, rather than planning changes to the mobility habits of citizens. More surface for moving vehicles is still the preferred option, while, find that each inhabitant consumes less public space in their movements, is still a marginal line of action, strange, distant from the offices of politicians, community or technical units regional.

Meanwhile, and contrary to the urban infrastructure, structures soft in appearance, seem armored, protected by a force field that resists the humanitarian arguments and planetariums. The ideas of those who by their actions-or omissions-are in a position to influence the shaping of our environment (in the case, called Valdivia) seem immune to objective knowledge of the local and global contingency life-threatening climate change, sedentary lifestyle, social disorganization, noise, congestion, traffic fatalities, loss of original ecosystems, loss of public space for recreation and encounter, installation of fear as a regulator of coexistence vial. These are realities that do not seem to make a dent in the dynamics of decision making.

"causes, explanations?

influence below the table of the automotive market and the fossil fuels, the link between quality of life and move less, the social status associated with a particular transport through the bias of those in power who plan cities according to their perspective and the political game to ensure the popularity of the current authorities on the basis of short-sighted measures, among other factors, I have called this evil alchemy.

And the breeding ground for these ingredients Fraga and engage with force, is public apathy and ignorance. It is true that Valdivia has a neighboring battalion organized, educated and active compared to the average Chilean cities is significant. But in light of the results is still insufficient.

Regarding road infrastructure, alchemy malignant Valdivia has a new child, and baptized by members EnBICIa2 as Spawn. Avenida Las Encinas, Isla Teja, parallel to Avenida Los Robles, was recently remodeled and paved. now has 4 tracks on the road, straight, wide, and on the north side, on the sidewalk, is Spawn, an angled, narrow band, for the traffic of bicycles, which is just idiocy embodied, or an attempt to ridicule and prejudice for cyclists and pedestrians, or another example of ignorance and invisibility of their needs and rights, or recognition of those who are mobilized in other prevail over those responsible for the construction of this road.

O ignorance and insensitivity also lives in me and so I fail to understand, much less acceptance of the phenomenon.

Or all of the above.

In this scenario, the project "Network of Bikeways to Valdivia, so far found only in texts and maps in public offices and consulting IAC APIA XXI SA , it becomes a threat Megaengendro, a work in progress and improved quality of life Valdivia.

neighboring The battalion organized, educated and active, should grow, cohere, organize, meet.

Otherwise, alchemy evil monsters continue to produce profit for the few and harm to many, present and future human and nonhuman.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ash And Dawn Doujinshis

The real criminals behind the abuses

This letter comes in response to the fatal accident of a rider in Rio Bueno and involving a truck, a few months ago. The fact aroused requests to the respective authorities to protect our right of cyclists to use roads safely, for which demand the condemnation of the truck involved.

in the news today we find the outrage, I believe in Santiago, a grandmother (deceased) and grandson (the edge). Relatives interviewed asked that "justice is done" in relation to the driver, the press points out that the driver did not even retained the license.

In both cases, at least in my knowledge of the facts, there are no data to defend an application for an order for drivers of vehicles. Were they under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic drugs? "Speeding? "Talking on cell phones without hands-free and distracted? I do not know, I have not heard of any indication of criminal responsibility.

And such cases are the thousands. It's time to make cross-eyes, global contexts rather than analysis of each individual case, because I do not endorse impunity. Nor do I believe that the death of this person is somewhat accidental attributable to bad luck (only the bad lucky to live in Chile at the beginning of XXI century)

I maintain that if there is criminal culpability, but it is in other people, other areas. Of the drivers may or may not exist. Is circumstantial. Now the signal is always present, and even unnoticed, there it is. I mean the decision-making sphere, technical, policy makers, legislators, planners. Over there we Pesquisar looking guilty.

As it is an act of criminal responsibility pulling in the same way, to people who live speed and weight so incredibly different. Or protect the integrity pedestrian crossings.

Who would think that cyclists and vehicles fast / heavy must share the roads? if the poor guy's truck and found out about the abuse until he was told witnesses present!

Can we feel criminals accidentally stepping on a cockroach? And do not say it disparagingly, if I myself am cockroach day.

Yet 18290 law is clear:

Vehicle: Medium to which, upon which or by which any person or object can be transported by a route

Conductor: A person who leads, maneuver or charge of direct management of any vehicle, a saddle animal, shooting or herding animals;

Calzada: Part of a road intended to use of vehicles and animals;

cyclists, taxi drivers, truckers are drivers, and on the road can and often must live, about 20 km / hr and other up to 120 km / hr, and the sides of these roads there are road calls ISLANDS sidewalks, and its users, pedestrians, are forced to adapt to this system extremely careful when moving from one island to another or simply out of their island.

And while technical or security planners think they do well then designed ways "laws" that restrict freedoms and promote and justify the abuses Does anyone still believe that legal / right / right are synonyms? And what conscience can rest easy if you are designing the urban road works in the legal, the "standard" applied dehumanized?

accept that the crime is one of the drivers, get a conviction, perhaps that would achieve these drivers do not re-run over, or at least more aware. And the rest?

Eye, acts occur in systems that support, promote, sometimes justified. The rules and road designs are configured so that a crime such as the Rio Bueno is diluted among the public as an accident. Do not even miss the woman expressing that should not have been on the path of the truck, poor driver. Some also wonder if the grandmother was careful when crossing with his grandson from one island to the next.

darts of guilt should target those responsible for the configuration of the crime scene, whether political, technical or policy, then I think we will be attacking the root of the problem, because we do tremble visible views, conceptions of hierarchical organization covertly Chilean road system.

The vehicle weight is not something that can intervene, perhaps regular. But physics provides another important factor in this inequality, the speed is easily adjustable with will and vision. Limiting the maximum speed, secure coexistence is made possible, at least I have understood in other cities, other countries, where talk of Zones 30 and is installed and accepted theme. Here are more retro, we're doing the same wrong way of thinking that the solution is to segregate, or bike paths fill lament not having them in the meantime.

And until that happens, some thoughtless crime continue to focus on drivers rather than the organizers of the system.

Others continue profiting under consultants, contractors or public officials, with the construction of expensive infrastructure and inefficient motor for rapid transit, light transit or caged (bikeways .)


not agree with the request to the authorities in pursuing of the proper sentence for drivers.

I am inclined to support the families of the victims, and even the drivers themselves if they were innocent, which I insist, to me is a secondary issue, to request application of due conviction of political authorities, engineers, policy makers and planners responsible for transforming our way on stage so that death is present.

complex topic, need to discuss, rush to feel even force, the transverse and equitable participation. How many more regret victims until we get the streets for people, from the clutches of motorized transport?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Hack Into A Sidekick 08


Training teaching road safety education

Day 1 and 2 October 2010, at the facilities of Hotel Panorama, located on Calle Belgrano and Patricia Argentinas, held a training course aimed at teachers of the initial level primary and secondary, in matters relating to the teaching of road safety education.

On Friday, 1, teachers will gather from the 18.00 am to 20.00 pm., While, on Saturday 2, the activities will start at 8.00 pm. and end at 12.00 pm.

The course entitled "Pedagogical Strategies in Road Safety Education, will by specialists from the Institute of Road Safety and Education (ISEV) based in the City of Buenos Aires. In this opportunity we will talk to Dr. Marta E. Fernandez and Miss Maria José Bertotti. Also planned workshops with the participants to achieve a better understanding of the issues will be addressed over the two days of reflection.

This course has been organized by the city of Jujuy, Ministry of Human Rights, Education Department - Municipal Training Institute and is supported by Protection Mutual Insurance Public Passenger Transport, a company that sponsors the program Safe School ISEV dependent.

We believe that the high rate of road accidents that has our country in general and the provinces in particular, require the implementation of actions to achieve a change in mobility of the members of the community, to achieve lower the number of accidents because of traffic.

The road safety education, critical reflection on the habits that we see daily in the streets, the knowledge of the main preventive strategies ... are the best tools to begin to travel safely. We believe that this course will give teachers the capital, will collaborate on content distribution favoring behavioral change that we all expect.

Our thanks to all those who make possible the planned activities and hope to share the opening ceremony.


Friday, 1

17.00 hs. Opening act

18.00 hs. Conferences / Workshops

22.00 hs. End of session

Saturday 2 pm
Conferences / Workshops

12.00 hs. End of session

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 6

Why justify the unjustifiable? Chair

While it is not "politically correct "way to express it in public, how many times we hear of responsible leaders of communities, social arguments to justify such an action" loose "in terms of controls over risk behaviors in daily mobility on public roads?.

Examples abound:

- Lack of control of the security status of motor vehicles in circulation (in extreme cases), because the vehicle is the "work source" of these people.

- Lack of control of the use of security features and method of use of vehicles. The "helmet" on mopeds or the number of passengers (all Sometimes a family), because it "fell" public transportation in the community and is the economical way with which they can satisfy their need for mobility.

- Ditto for the use of seat belts in rear seats of vehicles with many years of use.

- Idem regarding passenger travel boxes open (or closed for a load) of pick-up trucks, etc.

Actually, what is "hidden" behind those "arguments to justify is the lack of" road culture "of many leaders that" dress "that way its failure or neglect to resolve the" causes " the WHY.

However, in most cases, I suspect in those leaders, unintentional mistakes, but the "lack of awareness of risk" faced by his community.

And that "lack of awareness of risk" leaves us "exposed" to a "social disease" that affects humanity annually with a number of casualties (killed, wounded and families of stories "cut short") who has not reached any other unnatural cause of involvement of the man (or even wars).

for them (and for all of us, the "targeted" as unconscious as being at risk) is the video, we approached a friend, when developing road surveying tasks in a Latin American nation.

the protagonists are not artists, unfortunately ... and is an example of what we consider the risk is evident on the "hidden risk."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Calories In Colgate Toothpaste

open vial responsibility ISEV

On Wednesday September 29 to 15 held the first open meeting of the Chair "Health and Responsibility Road", an academic open to think about the problem of alcohol and its impact on accident rates as a social symptom, for all students and teachers at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the interested public. Organized by the Department of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences (FBCB) and Provincial Road Safety Agency and the collaboration of the Santa Fe Brewery and comprehensive program of care and prevention of substance abuse belonging to UNL Healthy will be held in the Aula Magna "Malvinas Argentinas" School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences at UNL, Ciudad Universitaria.
This first meeting will focus on the lecture by Dr. Hugo Fernandez, from the Institute of Education and Driver Education (ISEV) about today's society and its symptoms: traffic accidents and alcoholism, statistics, social constructions of the norm, and traffic accidents in the health system and the influence of the media.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Labrador Had What Seemed To Be A Seizure

CARD COURSES - Courses 2010 Cycle Promotions


Module 1: Core Principles for Safe Driving .
Friday October 15, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00
Wednesday, 13 October enrollment
Limit: Ten (10) attendees.

Friday November 19, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00
Vence registration
Wednesday, 17 November
Limit: Ten (10) attendees.

Module 2: Strategies for Safe Driving.
Friday September 24, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00
Vence registration
Wednesday, 22 September
Limit: Ten (10) Registration
assistants inclusive of trainees preferential Module 1

Friday October 22, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00 registration
Wednesday, October 20
Limit: Ten (10) preferential enrollment assistants
inclusive to trainees of Module 1

Friday November 26, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00
Vence registration
Wednesday, 24 November
Limit: Ten (10) preferential enrollment assistants
inclusive to trainees of Module 1


Always check the Bulletin Board at


Day of free training for teachers and Primary Level
MUTUAL PROTECTION ISEV and are aware of the need that exists to train teachers in this specific field. This is how it is planned to develop DAYS of four (4) clock hours in length, free to teachers who enroll in a pre-rendered the same, which will be held in the headquarters ISEV has in the Barrio de San Telmo, Buenos Aires (access is by stairs).

The maximum for each day is ten (10) attendees, who will serve as teachers by grade level in the initial and primary education.
For those interested who want to enroll, we ask you to e-mail to: , indicating in the subject


" Basic Principles of Education for Road Safety "
Saturday October 16, 2010 from 9.00 to 13.00.

"Basic Principles for Road Safety Education"
Saturday November 20, 2010 from 9.00 to 13.00.

How To Easily Find Shiny Pokemon

road bike + metro Week European Mobility Week

FGV and "Valencia bike" organize a road bike + metro within minutes of the European Mobility Week

cover the Sunday walk through Valencia-Liria Bétera and Roquefort.

participants attended the 9:30 Station Photograph of Metrovalencia .

Metrovalencia, provide free tickets to cover the route between Valencia and Metro Llíria

Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) will collaborate with the association "Valencia bicycle Agree Ecological Action "in the organization of a bicycle path + metro, which will be held Sunday voice, September 26, to celebrate European Mobility Week.

This bike path is open to all metro + the participation of all who wish. The only requirements to be able to take part in the excursion under bring a bike and know, before Friday, his desire to participate in the website

The participants in the bike path + metro congregate on Sunday to 9:30 am along with the mouth of the entrance hall of the station Photograph of Metrovalencia overlooking the boulevard of Gran Vía Fernando el Católico. Later drive to take the subway station where Llíria start the cycle route. FGV-Metrovalencia provide free tickets to all participants to cover the route between Valencia and Liria.

from Liria, will move to Valencia via Bétera, Roquefort, and Godella Burjassot. People who do not want to cover the full route can take the subway in one of these populations to return to Valencia.

With the bike path Sunday + metro closes the cycle of events organized by FGV occasion of the Mobility Week and European Car Free Day which was held Tuesday, September 22.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Do Hiv Rash Look Like

European Mobility Week. Videos

Wasting time


The old days

The car I could tell

The reunion

The strength in

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Stabilize A Brookstone Helicopter

. European Mobility Week.

Write On Debut Program

When you are young, the adult world there are things that matter little, and others still insignificant, could cause us to lose a lifetime. Being young involves observing the world with a peculiar look, speak out about things that are hidden, experience life more intensely, lose respect for death and challenge all to be discovered little by little, the being who we become.

Young people in today's society (in the richest and poorest in), found at the scene of traffic your worst enemy, that you can end your life or your health. We adults, we need to provide information to prevent them from those risks, they on their part, need the knowledge to become healthy and happy adults. Today being young is dangerous, but they are not wars that kill our young, or pestilence, or famine (although they all remain in force in some places of our planet.) Road accidents are charged the daily lives of countless young people ... and it happens all over the world.

Through this document, prepared by Dr. Marta Fernandez, which includes information from various experts and specialists in the field, describe the profile of young drivers, hoping this will help you learn more and thus , provide greater help in educating the safe use of public roads.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Counteract Sweetness In Chilie

Mobility Week 16-22 September

Putting citizens at the center of public works is the goal of all decisions and actions taken within the Department of Public Works and Housing of the Government of Andalusia. We work to improve the quality of life of people and that takes a leading role to promote sustainable mobility, where people save time, health and urban spaces for your enjoyment.

The promotion of self-employed or non-motorized transport, metro, metropolitan consortia, streetcar systems, commuter, inter-rail services, the high-speed are the means we are implementing to precisely promote sustainable mobility where people bet on public transport for their benefit and that of the whole community.

But our work goes further. We also want government and public awareness of the usefulness and benefits of sustainable mobility, with special attention to children and young people because they are the future society of Andalusia.

The Week Mobility, held from 16 to 22 September 2010, gives us an opportunity to sensitize governments and citizens about the need for mobility more environmentally and socially responsible, to decrease emissions of CO 2 , consumption energy and noise caused by traffic in our environment, among other reasons.

Accordingly, during the Mobility Week will undertake an awareness campaign aimed specifically at young people, which is intended to reflect - with a touch of humor - each of the positive aspects that we offer public transport and non-motorized (walking and cycling), to produce an increase in its modal share of total displacements are performed.

Conserving and enhancing the environment is to ensure the future of all.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro The Flood

Sustainable Mobility

Saturday 18 September
20:00: ART & FACT, C / foot of the Cross, 8 Valencia

Delivery Proyecciones of the works and awards and finalists ganadoras.

Inaugural Dinner Mobility Week and the 20th ANNIVERSARY FIESTA OR VALENCIA IN BIKE
Essential GET them tickets in advance for dinner and fiesta in the hall ART & FACT.

Saturday 18 September
20:00: ART & FACT, C / Foot of the Cross, 8 Valencia.

Awards ceremony and screening of the winners and finalists.

Essential draw tickets in advance for dinner and celebration in the hall ART & FACTS _____________________________

Sunday September 19 10:30
Source Palau de la Musica Valencia

Day bicycle, environment and living
If you get to eat brings something to share ...

setembre 19, 10:30 Font del Palau de la Musica Valencia

Day bicycle, environment i
coexistence Et stand by If anything carries dinar per share ... _____________________________________

Monday, 20 September 18:00
First tranche C / Colón (compared Paseo de Ruzafa)

Valencia Action simulated installation of a bike lane by a group of workmen @ s cyclists

dilluns setembre 20,
18:00 hores. First tranche of C / Colón (front Passeig Russafa)

Action simulated installation of a bike lane by a group of cyclists workers

Tuesday 21 September 20:00
C / Portal Valldigana under 15. Valencia

Tuesday 21 September 20:00
C / Portal 15 Valldigana low

Wednesday 22 September 18:30
Plaza Los Pinazo. Valencia

Cycling with naturalidad, which has no disfracen

Wednesday 22 September 18:00
Plaza Los Pinazo

Cycling naturally, they do not disguise


Wednesday 22 September 19:30

Valencia Plaza de la Virgen

Wednesday 22 September 19:30
Plaza de la Virgen Valencia


Thursday 23 September
19:00 Valencia Botanical Gardens

Debate on the move between urban representatives POLITICAL PARTIES
Valencianas present in the institutions.

Thursday, 23 September
19:00. Valencia Botanical Garden

Debate on urban mobility between representatives of political parties present in the Valencian institutions. __________________________________

Friday 24 September 19:00
Esquina C / San Vicente - C / Valencia Locksmiths

All cyclists that Pasen by the St. Vincent Street intersection to 1 € Locksmiths have a refreshing horchatita Gentileza of BIOGELAT organized in collaboration with the SMS by bike in Valencia.

* After dinner on the beach coexistence Malvarrosa (BRING sandwiches and drinks)

Friday September 24 at 19:00
corner C / San Vicente - C / Locksmiths

All cyclists passed along the street with St. Vincent creue Locksmiths have a refreshing orxateta to 1 € Courtesy BIOGELAT in collaboration with the SMS organized by bike in Valencia.

* After dinner together on the beach Malvarrosa (bring sandwiches and drinks)

Diumenfe September 26


Please confirm attendance to e


not pay to move us: has activities for after the Mobility Week

Friday 1 October Critical Mass

them 10 years to celebrate the mass.

Friday 1 October

critical mass to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the mass.


Weekend of bridge 9 to October 12

If you want to come:
More information:


Cap Setmana the pont d'October 9 to 12 vols vindre If

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