Saturday, September 27, 2008

Does Infant Tylenol Cause Constpation

dissolution of Granada Granada Biciescuela

In the last assembly of Granada Vía Verde, on Friday 26 September, decided to dissolve itself.

After three years of analysis and work on transportation, economics, urban planning, energy and concentration of power we have reached several conclusions that could basically be summarized in the following documents:

- Submission of the environment logic traffic

- Public Transport

- The false security of urban bike lanes

- Violence Against traffic

- The green car

During this time we have implemented different types of actions and claims that currently are not consistent with the theoretical conclusions we have reached.

could take out a deeper theoretical work in this regard, we have reached a sufficient basic knowledge that allow us to identify the problem. From this point, we need to dissolve itself Greenway Granada to start thinking and discussing how they deal with autonomous practice after criticism of the concentration of power, economic growth, urban growth, the growth in transport and infrastructure and criticism of the political model, social and economic and generates required.

For this purpose we establish a regular meeting for discussion and reflection about each Friday at 19:30 pm in the Social Library in the street Hermanos Quero Acera del Triunfo 27.

Moreover, the Escuela Taller Bici that every Saturday we performed in the Fountain of Battles is temporarily suspended. There are people currently being trained to reopen the shop, but as an independent project, which will have news soon. Granada

Greenway, September 26, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Xbox Controller With Vba

Greenway: school self-management workshop and free bike

The Biciescuela has remained closed throughout the month of October 2008 in order to rework the project after the dissolution of Granada Greenway .

On Saturday November 1, 2008 , in the same place and same time in the coming performing, activity resumed.
Biciescuela Granada (school self-management workshop and free bike). A place to learn and get advice on how to repair your own bike, as well as on how to ride safely with her.

The wanderings began in October 2005 in CSOA The 15 Cats. In October 2006 moved to Power Battles where, after saving several assaults by the local police Granada, we were able to continue the activity.

Since its inception was a permanent activity of Granada Greenway. However, after the dissolution of this group the September 26, 2008 the Biciescuela continues as an independent project.

Every Saturday from 12am to 14pm on Power Battles (Granada)
acquire knowledge or skill to enable us to avail ourselves of ourselves and reduce our dependence both technicians and specialists as the need to have money to pay is something very gratifying indeed. We are not professional mechanics and technicians specialized in manufacturing and repairing bicycles, we believe, however, that this was not condemn us to be useless unable to repair a puncture or remove a bottom bracket, and with a little effort and diligence, in this as in everything else, we will be more self-sufficient. So we're checking ourselves, and we want to check it all comes close to our shop. We offer, therefore, a useful public service and is available to whoever the relevant tools to repair your own bike, and if you have questions or do not know how, advice on the best of our ability, and also to instruct who needs it on getting around by bike by the increasingly dangerous and uninhabitable city of Granada, or just teach him to use this noble, fair and intelligent vehicle if you have never used. This service, which as we said we believe is useful, it will also free, and to anticipate the vile suspicions and objections groped fools who are ready and warned, and when they say they can not exist anywhere but unconsciously bastard interests are unmasking themselves, we need to clarify that under low price or sect or political banner that activity itself comforts us, satisfying and happy, and full dignity as fun as our leisure time. We are not pure altruistic, because we love what we do by itself and we would not, I think, if you do not, but certainly not peddlers or apostles or bearers of any political faction or ideology, unless immediately be included in the number of the latter for trying to have his own ideas, why it seems that many more than enough for deeming those who take this healthy attitude as spokespersons for others' ideas. In short, each with its own standard measures ...

controversial issues aside, I guess we are all agreed that a service, albeit small, public and free is very unusual in these times when everything is privatized and sold entire course for progress. This service is also offered on a public street also demonstrates that it can be used for much more than automobile traffic and fast PLC to buy and consume. It is urgent, no doubt, to humanize the street, and we believe our biciescuela is a good way to contribute. VIDEO SUMMARY

Biciescuela Granada (October 2005 - October 2008):

Husband Peeing His Pants

Agroolimpiadas 2008. III and popular rural Olympics

Agroolimpiadas 2008. Olympics III
rural and popular agro-ecological cooperative Hortigosa

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Best Palce To Find Dresses For A Dance

Lakabe (radio interview)

Lakabe is a village in the Pyrenees Navarro, squatted in 1980, whose inhabitants are based on community living and integration with natural environment.

Within the conference on organized by the association agroecology Bizigai (Bilbao), under the guise of presenting his book upside down City Lakabe (1980-2005), people IROL Irratia While staying in Bilbao to talk to them about the beginnings of Lakabe, its relationship with the people around them, fighting Itoitz swamp adjacent, the relationship between generations and the future of the people.

You can hear the interview HERE

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can You Get Songs From Shareaza To Itunes?

And children with the bike ... Growth

Enjoy the first video The
El Muro (The Wall-Pink Floyd cover):

And children with bikes
do not let me go to sleep
coñazo with bikes that I wake

me crazy Hey boy, go and take the ass!
not run while you can kill the wall
that you will crash your

And children with no papers motorcycle insurance

with horses that are cool helmet
please do not be sucker

Hey child go to take the ass!
not run while you can kill the wall
that you will crash your

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Turtle Beach Headaches

mobility and infrastructure gaps

[...](...) the Maastricht Treaty itself contains this requirement considering the creation of Call TEN's (Trans European Networks). TENs are a series of community infrastructure, transportation, energy and telecommunications, also absolutely "necessary" to ensure a market funcionamiehto progressively enlarged and unified Europe in the future, but with different 'speeds', under the hegemony of Euro . Steps all "unavoidable" for the capital-productive and European financial crime can thrive under better conditions in an economy increasingly globalized world. The cost of TEN's transportation (highways and motorways, the lion's share-high-speed trains, superports, airport expansion, new waterways combined transport facilities ...) amounts to a whopping more than 400,000 billion euros. The funding of these infrastructures, which must be completed by 2010, it is contemplated that either through different pathways. Public funding, community and state through the structural and cohesion funds and state budgets accordingly. Possible additional private funding. Low interest loans (subsidized by the call Edinburg Facility) European Investment Bank. And possible European bonds, financing mechanism, at least for now, seems unlikely

.[...] It is noteworthy how you react when power questioned, from below, the expansion of mobility. Especially when the resistance is strong and may even call into question the goodness or appropriateness of infrastructure projects. In that case, the power structures react with all its potential repressive in recent years strengthened through legislative reforms (hardening of the democratic framework) that underpin the logic of the existing system. Repression in Britain against the movement of opposition to the construction of new roads (in Newbury, for example), the police action against the protests in Denmark to Scanlink, and the overwhelming deployment of police and military against the opposition in France to completion of new access through the Pyrenees in the Aspe Valley and Somport indicate that the system reacts strongly when questioning the expansion of motorized mobility. And it gives us clues that we are touching bone, and that a change of model of society is unfailingly by attempting to break the logic of the growth of motorized transport. [...] (Fernádez Ramón Durán)


Monday, September 22, 2008

Urgent Pakistani Dress Required

# 3: Under the regime of mobility

"(...) traditional cultures, especially those who have developed their own bases linked to ecological carrying and confined in them, have been using to move only to the extent necessary to meet their needs, using it in general terms wise, and subject in some way to the natural rules of the economy of movement. However, in relation to the movement, as in many other aspects of modern industrial societies have been organized entirely back to the basic principles of nature. rather than being applied to improve trade, relations and close production cycles, reducing the minimum indispensable material movements at great distances, economic systems and lifestyles prevailing in developed countries increasingly rely in the conduct of trade and transport horizontal masses of people and goods over long distances, to meet any need or desire, it is trivial or irrelevant. "(ANTONIO ESTEVAN," Against transport, closeness "in Archipelago No. 18-19. Winter 1994)

loopholes Magazine 3: Under the regime of mobility

PROLOGUE (you can read here )


Under the regime of mobility
Perpetuum mobile
The homóvil 4
The Magnificent Amberson 4
"The party is over" 6
raptor 11

Ludd's friends Myth of automobility 12

Bernard Charbonneau
hombrauto 17

The Warning to the driver 17
1. Car History 18
2. Of the species and 19 types
cars 3. Morphology of the car 21
4. Car Sociology
Conclusion 22. Arriving by car 26
Javier Rodríguez Hidalgo

On The Fourth Commandment 28
In conclusion ... 39

James Howard Kunstler The Long Emergency

One A walk sleepwalking into the future 40
Two. Modernity and the dilemma of fossil fuels 50
Three. Beyond Petroleum
Four 56. Nature Strikes Back 60
Five. Running on Six smoke
62. Life in the Long Emergency
65 Epilogue 67

AHTen aurkari batzuk
Lights and shadows of the struggle against the TAV in the Basque Country 69

untimely Readings Toward a agroecology movement? 74

"Esquizofrenizar codes, which would the Anti-Oedipus" 81
A dialogue between strangers
81 87 Note

pick loopholes

progress and other utopias 88
Abel Letter Letter
cracks 91 cracks at 92 Abel
few words about nanointeligencia 92
Notes on No. 8 Free and 93 wild 95 birthday

Index Vestiges

Social Critique Magazine

100 pages Editor: Javier Rodríguez Hidalgo
Production: Muturreko burutazioak
Edited by: Likiniano Elkartea
Legal Deposit for the European Union: SE-1691-2006
For any correspondence, write to :
Javier Rodríguez Hidalgo Apdo n º 11012

48080 Bilbao (two-year subscription: 20 €)

In Granada you can find the numbers in this VIEWRES Social Hermanos Quero Library. Social Hermanos Quero

school library
C / Acera del Triunfo Granada

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Very Affordable Best Film Scanner

The road is safer than the bike path

La Calle de Córdoba.

An interview in the weekly "La Calle de Córdoba" one of the participants in the critical mass of the city reveals a few common sense points about cycling:

- Why oppose the bike lane?

- Mainly because I think the bike is a better vehicle and as such, it is better to travel on the rail-enabled vehicles. Bike lanes are usually made out of the driveway, and what they do is annoy pedestrians. It takes away space for pedestrians, who already has quite recently, and I prefer to adapt to the circular road like any other vehicle, respecting the rules of traffic.

- What is an unsafe position?

- I feel safer using the bike as well, because I am guided by the logic of traffic while the bike path is free of that logic. In it, sometimes you go down the sidewalk, others on the road, and that interference between road and pavement can unnerve and even become far more dangerous, because you have many things that do not control.

1. urban bicycle safety Manual

2. The false security of urban bike lanes

3. myths of urban bike lanes


Saturday, September 20, 2008


European Mobility Week, green marketing and the problems of urban bike lanes free bike workshop


Since 2002, the European Mobility Week tries to educate and inform the public about transportation problems. From the collective Granada Greenway reject this annual reminder function in any case, as an imaging instrument on behalf of the institutional media and industry that created it.

When you really want to end up with a problem, investigate its causes. The Sustainable Mobility Week simply seeks to minimize the adverse effects of current transport, without addressing the root problem or ask to reduce its need and use. And by the way, purchase their mouths shut or perverts that talk about environmentalism. Is increasing while the structural dependence of transport, try to patch its harmful effects with buses, subways and bicycles, falling pitch nice and justify new infrastructure. Countries such infrastructure flooded pollute even more than others, and thus allows increased transport and sale of products, more growth, 'development', consumption, production, resource extraction, etc. No one can question the transport without jeopardizing economic growth, perhaps that is the problem this week.

Our position is to suppress the Week of Sustainable Mobility. Sustainability in this case seeks to perpetuate a system with small cures that brings us closer to collapse, and we do not like to support us in the tolerable limit, because it's unbearable and dangerous. We prefer the reduced mobility in all its forms, as a first big step. At least ask that the state stop subsidizing car use, as does every time it builds a road or parking. We seem pointless and even counter the claims of this week, especially the demand of many groups ecociclistas flag: the urban bike lane. (...)

Security? The supposed safety of bike lanes is also questionable, because they break the logic of the traffic. To be segregated and right, the rider is less visible and less predictable behavior at intersections. Is taking responsibility away from both cyclists and motorists of the traffic interaction, impossible to avoid at all times by a very large network that is the bike lanes. Accidents like this are happening today.

If (...) The first problem is safety / cyclists, there are better solutions and more supportive, investing priorities in the use of public space: the 'traffic calming' is set to preclude the speed streets, either through hurdles (elevated pedestrian crossings, ridges, etc..) or by the winding streets (narrow stretch through islets, etc.). The 'Shared Space', whose predecessor is the traffic engineer Hans Monderman, and is held in different cities (Drachten, Makkinga, Wolwega, Oudehaske, etc.), Where signs have been removed and matching floor, leading to resulted in a decrease drastically the number of accidents and motor vehicles, and creating more contact between people, it is necessary in the absence of regulatory signage. (...)


Friday, September 19, 2008

In Missouri Do You Need Bowhunters Education?

School and self-managed in the Fountain of Battles (Granada)

The Biciescuela has remained closed throughout the month of October 2008 in order to rework the project after the dissolution of Granada Greenway.

On Saturday November 1, 2008 , in the same place and same time in the coming performing, activity resumed.

Every Saturday from 12am to 14pm on Power Battles (Granada)

Biciescuela Granada (school self-management workshop and free bike). A place to learn and get advice on how to repair your own bike, as well as on how to ride safely with her.
biciescuelagranada (at) hotmail (dot) com
October 18, 2008

School Bike Shop is a place to learn and teach how to repair the bike, where learn and teach how to get around by bike by the city safely ... It's a place to get involved in carrying out this project.

School Bike Shop will have the following times: Saturdays at Power Battles from 12h to 14h

Sunday, September 14, 2008

How To Congratulateto Expecting Family

Mobility Week: transport or proximity?

Since 2002 (from 16 to 22 September) celebrates the European Mobility Week, established by the European Commission on the Environment in 2000. "The new environmental bureaucracy supported by political power and economic strength that breaks into the headlines, seeks to establish an ecological agenda, recommending programs "ecological adjustment" to all countries and citizens. " (1) Specifically, the goal this week is focused on raising awareness and informing citizens about how to reduce the effects of transport, making it more efficient in relation to energy resource consumption and pollutant emissions.

As has been common since we began to talk about global warming, we will see a glut of information characterized by its emptiness and lack of interest in question, and even mentioning, much less eliminate, the causes that threaten the very existence of the species human.

"Like a problem of mismanagement in question" (2), politicians, officials, experts, technocrats, environmentalists ...-justifying, at the same time, its very existence to designing defensive strategies to neutralize this grave threat to our lifestyle and "welfare" - is manifest on the need to plan and manage "more humane" chaos and harmfulness of the consumer society, in this case, managing the harmfulness of transport. However, "nobody in their right mind would think that it is possible to find a solution without affecting everything that is essential to the economic functioning of the planet." (3)

GREENWAY GRANADA, September 2008

Gay Crusing Areas In Buckinghamshire

cycleway Myths

SOURCE: Granada Biciescuela

1. anomalies, inconveniences and dangers of the street-bike and the urban bike lane in the city of Granada (September 2010)

2. The false security of urban bike lanes

The false security of urban bike lanes

abnormalities, discomfort and dangers of the street-bike and bike lane urban Granada

Friday, September 12, 2008

Heubach Figurine Sorrow

Text taken from: Invitation cyclists groups: reflection on their demands . Granada Vía Verde, March 2008.

"The whole rail system is intended for people who are always in a hurry and therefore can not see anything. No travel this way if one way or another could help it. Each one would take the time he wanted to travel freely through the hills and through the hedges, and not through tunnels and embankments. And who nevertheless preferred to that kind of trip, would not possess a sense of beauty developed enough for you then dirigiésemos the word at the station. From this perspective, the railway is a matter of no interest to be rid sooner the better. Transforms the old traveler living in a package. " (J. Ruskin).

"In 2006, the ROBERT (public transport operating company in Granada) Granada City Council received a grant of 11 million euros in relation to the number of miles traveled by its fleet and not by the number of passengers, and became even the tour buses out of service. Therefore, workers are required to impossible schedules to meet in a private company obviously wants to maximize profits (how many more miles flown greater the benefit, regardless of the number of passengers). Of these 11 million, 4 million was the business benefit that could be used, for example, for the reduction of rate and frequency step. The consequence: frequencies disastrous times, crowded buses and drivers stressed. " (1)


Mass transit is not intended as a solution to excessive displacement of people due to diffuse urban growth. But aims to be an "alternative" public, subsidized, to the "need" for movement of people created by capital. A "solution" more social demand that the government offer after having created the "need." In short, this is not an alternative infrastructure for private motor vehicles. This form of transportation, like all others, creates accessibility between the places they connect, generate movements that did not exist. The government subsidize public transportation lines between the points that need capital, creating access to places where the land is revalued where there is a new shopping center, where the city grows urbanistically ... Mass transit is an alternative "more in capital needs, once the highways and roads have reached saturation level such that they need new solutions to the problem of distance tax. We have to remember how the trams were destroyed at a time when the capital did not need them, and as today is a generalized solution in all countries that reach a certain level of economic development. We must remember also, when the movement of goods, workers and consumers has gone far beyond the city limits, the solution of light rail and tram is the solution best within it. At certain levels, it is likely that much of an automotive solution to the capital necessary movements imposed between the industrial North and the South suburbs. This is called "Greater functionality" of Granada light rail. " (6)

"(...) the public transport system, (...) actually plays a specific role within the system: that of not overloading the traffic, the safety valve and not to collapse the carriage which important is it for them. " (7)

we swallow it's not "sustainable mobility" if it means people to pile an hour on the bus or subway. Rather, we believe that people should live close to their lives. That the daily distances to be human possible to walk or bike


Thursday, September 11, 2008

On Poptropica Where Is Edmunds Gogg

Man-bike or bike-man ...

found this entertaining, funny and perhaps metaphorically, accurate story in "The Book of the Bicycle" by Roderick Watson and Martin Gray. (Those in the 5th region, Chile, into account at the Architecture Library PUCV)
If anyone feels alluded ... ja, ja, well, then that's the intention.

is included in this book but removed, The Third Policeman, by Flann O'Brien.

In The Third Policeman (The Third Policeman), Sergeant Pluck why protect its parishioners stealing bikes:
- Have you ever heard of the atomic theory? Asked the Sergeant Pluck.
- No "I replied. The mouth
approached confidentially to my ear.
- You might be surprised, "he said, his voice dull, that atomic theory is rife in this parish?
- Absolutely.
- is making a work of unspeakable destruction "He added. Half the people are affected by it, is much worse than the plague ...
- atomic theory, "he justified it, is something that is not too clear to me.
- Michael Gilhaney "said the sergeant, a man almost destroyed by the principle of atomic theory. Did you know that impinge much it is almost half bike?
- No doubt I would hit a lot ...
- perhaps you know what happens when you hit an iron bar with a good hammer or a forging instrument?
- What?
- When the hammer falls atoms escape to the end of the bar and there are stacked together and as eggs under a good laying hen. After a while in the course of time, begin to move and try to get to where they were previously. But if you continue to hit the bar long enough and hard enough, then you have no chance to regain its previous position, what happens then?
- is certainly a good question.
- Ask a blacksmith what is the correct answer and tell you that the bar will gradually fade away if you keep taking those hard hits. Some of the atoms in the bar and wing pass to hammer other half will go to the anvil, or stone, or the item you placed under the bar.
- That's true as a temple, "I said.
- pure and simple The result is that the people who spend most of their lives bicycles mounted on iron wheels on the rocky roads of the parish have a mixed personality with the personality of their bicycles as a result of exchange of atoms, and will be surprised at the number of people in this village that is half male and half bicycles.
I let out an expression of amazement that rang in the air like a sudden puncture.
- And even more amazing is knowing the number of bicycles that are half human, half men, half of the ...
humanity - and how they behave these bikes-man?
- These bike-man?
- I mean those men-bike or whatever they call ... I mean they have two wheels and handlebars.
- The behavior of one of these bikes which has a high content of humanity is very shocking and truly amazing. You never see them moving by themselves, but you find them unexpectedly in the most unexpected places. Do not you ever seen a bike that is sitting near a warm fireplace when the wood crackles?
- Yes, of course.
- Not far from the fire?
- Yes yes.
- close enough to hear the conversation of the family?
- Yes
- Certainly not a thousand or two thousand miles from where the grocery store.
- I had not noticed. You mean the bikes eat food?
- never see them eating, no one can catch them when they are chewing on a good steak. All I know is that the food disappears.
- How?
- not the first time I've found crumbs on the front wheel of some of these gentlemen ...
- And how do you know that a man has plenty of bike his veins?
- If you have more than fifty percent what you say without the slightest possibility of error by his walk. Go quickly and never feels slippery and always leans against the wall with his elbow and stay overnight in the kitchen instead of going to bed. If you walk slowly or stopped in the middle of the street would fall and be someone out there who would have to lift it and put it back in motion. This is the state that is the poor postman and ceo you can not ever leave him.
- never again to ride a bike, "I concluded.
(Flann O'Brien, The Third Policeman)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mens European Swimwear

Public Transport Days: GM crops and their opposition in Andalusia

COPYING TEXT: Biblioteca Social Hermanos Quero

Days: GM crops and their opposition in Andalusia

11 to September 13, 2008

17 to 19 September next will be held the fourth meeting in Granada BioSpain. This is actually a fair which the English business sector associated with biotechnology uses the facade of a scientific conference and financing of public and private entities, to network, showcase their products and close deals.

The impact of biotechnology, and more particularly genetic engineering, are having on our environment and our lives are not as obvious as those found in other speculative and destructive processes (planning, water privatization, etc. ) but it is no less serious. The spread of criticism of genetic engineering is so difficult to address, to sound a bit abstract for those less familiar with these processes.

While these techniques and products will gradually brewing, businesses and governments involved are responsible for the propaganda about the possibilities that these new products we offer, avoiding any inquiry beyond a more or less stringent regulation .

For us, the Congress is partly an excuse to socialize is critical to think about the causes and consequences of these techniques involve, in order to create spaces and tools for responding to these destructive processes. So critics have raised a conference where we talk about GM crops and the struggles that have occurred in Andalusia against them.

Days Program

7:30 p.m. Thursday, 11 / Screening of Documentary
"Tranxgenia, cuc i The history of the Panis"

7:30 p.m. Friday, 12 / Forecast
documentary "Transgenics, the new bioserfdom"

Saturday 13 11:30 a.m.

Transgenic Chat • Discussion: we eat
Speaker: Jas 5:30 p.m.

Chat • Discussion
The fight against GM crops in Andalusia: the experience of the Union of Workers del Campo (SOC)
Speakers: Militants SOC

Hermanos Quero
Social Library Web:
Acera del Triunfo 27 (18001 Granada)
PO Box 364 (18080 Granada) Tel: 958 093800

Monday, September 8, 2008

Danielle Panabaker And Steven Strait

The development of industrialization and its resistance: an introduction to the history of Luddism

... "the evidence of the limits of industrialism and the logic of progress, as well as checking ecological disaster as a structural and functional technology system, rescues the Luddites as harbingers of a lucid critique of the emerging capitalist society, lost or ignored in the political tradition of the left, demands an urgent update to overcome the current intellectual stagnation criticism, but also to confront, and stop-this progressive slide into the abyss. "
Extract from the text
: development of industrialization and its resistance: an introduction to the history of Luddism

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walkie Talkie How Long The Distance They Go

Man is the measure of all things?

By Otto Lührs

This simple and meaningful maximum attributed to the Greek philosopher Protagoras used, as common sense suggests to me the term "man" generically, ie, considering any living being that spiritual or genetic characteristics, may be classified as a human being: old man and child, male or female, rich or poor, healthy or disabled, walking, cycling or transported by means of engines.
And following what common sense suggests to me, I think the division or organization of public spaces for the mobility of the urban population, should follow this same vision of man, integral, without excluding anyone.
But then interpret the vision of man, held consciously or unconsciously, by the authorities through the history of our cities have been involved in shaping our public spaces, and conclude a sad and I hope that modifiable Maximum Man, As is transported by car, is the measure of all things.
From this reflection, shows that the pro-cyclists citizenship struggles, doomed only to get bike lanes, guided by an ambition extremely simplistic, bordering. It is as satisfied with crumbs, take "is what you get."
The struggle is deeper, is a challenge to the idea of \u200b\u200b"modernity" that is prevalent in the organization of our cities, is to rescue the human style and friendly city that both miss our grandparents, is to assess the walking and cycling as daily opportunities spontaneous meeting with people and the environment, in short, is to that man, in all its manifestations, is the measure of organization in our city.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Who Has The Biggest Boobs In Pokemon

Reflections on a Saturday afternoon

By Otto Lührs

I write today a friend from Viña ...

"I would love to be" young and vital, "but it costs, you know? I was always so athlete and I am now an old e'mierda check ... barely walk .... and every time I say ... "I will go by bike", I feel that I have other things to do and / or feel that this city every day you leave less space ... "Anyway ...

was thinking Saturday afternoon pr ..... "I answer


Valdivia ..." Well let me complete that thought ... I

walking distance from my house to my of the Isla Teja,
and on the road a bit I decided to lengthen the route to come through the Botanical Gardens and take advantage of enjoying the rain for a change is falling, and on the road
been thinking about the amount of people who invest millions in cars, etc. invented reasons to weather the rain to ACHIEVE forego the simple pleasure of walking in the rain.
And the irony is that I'm sure some of those who are moved by car, sometimes the most expensive, consider an investment in excess of good rain gear for everyday living in Valdivia. Yes, indeed, chuck and saw about $ 150,000 to avoid having to use auto. How
invests auto dependent? How
lost by that agency? How
lose all for that dependency?
I walked 20 minutes and got absolutely delicious dry and happy. That

sports or exercise, is not something that depends on fixed hours, or free time. May well be part of everyday life, then there is spontaneous and natural, if the background is what human beings always did until Mr. Ford is the massively took the car with his Model T. ..

the T is nonsense?

Walking, cycling, skating, and urban commuting, and just as many evils ... That

that the city every time it leaves less space, it is true, but beware, the city is everyone, whether for acts or omissions.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Canadian Copies Of Imunization Records

a radio interview in Extremadura refinery

MAS VOCES [08/11/2008]

In the English State Extremadura exists a popular movement that fight against the construction of a refinery . It is building a refinery to treat 5 million tons of oil per year and 97 related companies. A large petrochemical complex would be an entrepreneur wants to build in Villafranca de los Barros, a town of Badajoz. In addition, it includes the construction of four power plants Power to operate the refinery. The entrepreneur behind the project is called Alfonso Gallardo. But not alone, because the idea is covered entirely by the Government of Extremadura. The interests that revolve around the refinery are many.

Listen to the interview with Peter Fernandez, a member of the Civic Platform "Refinery NO" .

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can You Take Canesten While Nursing

not what we expect oil depletion?

[...] The central question that this brief essay aims to address is the following. Oil has been the flow that has mobilized the western economy for over a century. Many voices are raised today to announce that oil production is near its peak and from there, the price of oil is more expensive to the point necessary to attend an energy crisis, seriously damaged the economic behavior of the entire planet. The consequences of this fact occur, would undoubtedly grand and spectacular. But what interests us here is whether the more or less rapid decline of oil system is a breakthrough for new possibilities on which to rebuild an autonomous society, radically different from what we know. Indeed, beyond a certain ecological concerns, committed to a transition sustainable future will lead to a society of clean and shining cities, it is incumbent upon us to explore how these discourses proecológicos mask deeper issues, such as how we can resume the alleged looming energy crisis for subvert the material culture model and distribution of power that now define our way of life. In short, the fall of an energy regime is strong and powerful as that of the oil "contains a possibility however slight weakening of the system of domination? Reply hurriedly to this question is in one sense or another, would be to ignore its complexity. For now, we will extend the issue in more detail. [...] (The Friends of Ludd)