Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walkie Talkie How Long The Distance They Go

Man is the measure of all things?

By Otto Lührs

This simple and meaningful maximum attributed to the Greek philosopher Protagoras used, as common sense suggests to me the term "man" generically, ie, considering any living being that spiritual or genetic characteristics, may be classified as a human being: old man and child, male or female, rich or poor, healthy or disabled, walking, cycling or transported by means of engines.
And following what common sense suggests to me, I think the division or organization of public spaces for the mobility of the urban population, should follow this same vision of man, integral, without excluding anyone.
But then interpret the vision of man, held consciously or unconsciously, by the authorities through the history of our cities have been involved in shaping our public spaces, and conclude a sad and I hope that modifiable Maximum Man, As is transported by car, is the measure of all things.
From this reflection, shows that the pro-cyclists citizenship struggles, doomed only to get bike lanes, guided by an ambition extremely simplistic, bordering. It is as satisfied with crumbs, take "is what you get."
The struggle is deeper, is a challenge to the idea of \u200b\u200b"modernity" that is prevalent in the organization of our cities, is to rescue the human style and friendly city that both miss our grandparents, is to assess the walking and cycling as daily opportunities spontaneous meeting with people and the environment, in short, is to that man, in all its manifestations, is the measure of organization in our city.


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