Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Turtle Beach Headaches

mobility and infrastructure gaps

[...](...) the Maastricht Treaty itself contains this requirement considering the creation of Call TEN's (Trans European Networks). TENs are a series of community infrastructure, transportation, energy and telecommunications, also absolutely "necessary" to ensure a market funcionamiehto progressively enlarged and unified Europe in the future, but with different 'speeds', under the hegemony of Euro . Steps all "unavoidable" for the capital-productive and European financial crime can thrive under better conditions in an economy increasingly globalized world. The cost of TEN's transportation (highways and motorways, the lion's share-high-speed trains, superports, airport expansion, new waterways combined transport facilities ...) amounts to a whopping more than 400,000 billion euros. The funding of these infrastructures, which must be completed by 2010, it is contemplated that either through different pathways. Public funding, community and state through the structural and cohesion funds and state budgets accordingly. Possible additional private funding. Low interest loans (subsidized by the call Edinburg Facility) European Investment Bank. And possible European bonds, financing mechanism, at least for now, seems unlikely

.[...] It is noteworthy how you react when power questioned, from below, the expansion of mobility. Especially when the resistance is strong and may even call into question the goodness or appropriateness of infrastructure projects. In that case, the power structures react with all its potential repressive in recent years strengthened through legislative reforms (hardening of the democratic framework) that underpin the logic of the existing system. Repression in Britain against the movement of opposition to the construction of new roads (in Newbury, for example), the police action against the protests in Denmark to Scanlink, and the overwhelming deployment of police and military against the opposition in France to completion of new access through the Pyrenees in the Aspe Valley and Somport indicate that the system reacts strongly when questioning the expansion of motorized mobility. And it gives us clues that we are touching bone, and that a change of model of society is unfailingly by attempting to break the logic of the growth of motorized transport. [...] (Fernádez Ramón Durán)



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