Thursday, September 11, 2008

On Poptropica Where Is Edmunds Gogg

Man-bike or bike-man ...

found this entertaining, funny and perhaps metaphorically, accurate story in "The Book of the Bicycle" by Roderick Watson and Martin Gray. (Those in the 5th region, Chile, into account at the Architecture Library PUCV)
If anyone feels alluded ... ja, ja, well, then that's the intention.

is included in this book but removed, The Third Policeman, by Flann O'Brien.

In The Third Policeman (The Third Policeman), Sergeant Pluck why protect its parishioners stealing bikes:
- Have you ever heard of the atomic theory? Asked the Sergeant Pluck.
- No "I replied. The mouth
approached confidentially to my ear.
- You might be surprised, "he said, his voice dull, that atomic theory is rife in this parish?
- Absolutely.
- is making a work of unspeakable destruction "He added. Half the people are affected by it, is much worse than the plague ...
- atomic theory, "he justified it, is something that is not too clear to me.
- Michael Gilhaney "said the sergeant, a man almost destroyed by the principle of atomic theory. Did you know that impinge much it is almost half bike?
- No doubt I would hit a lot ...
- perhaps you know what happens when you hit an iron bar with a good hammer or a forging instrument?
- What?
- When the hammer falls atoms escape to the end of the bar and there are stacked together and as eggs under a good laying hen. After a while in the course of time, begin to move and try to get to where they were previously. But if you continue to hit the bar long enough and hard enough, then you have no chance to regain its previous position, what happens then?
- is certainly a good question.
- Ask a blacksmith what is the correct answer and tell you that the bar will gradually fade away if you keep taking those hard hits. Some of the atoms in the bar and wing pass to hammer other half will go to the anvil, or stone, or the item you placed under the bar.
- That's true as a temple, "I said.
- pure and simple The result is that the people who spend most of their lives bicycles mounted on iron wheels on the rocky roads of the parish have a mixed personality with the personality of their bicycles as a result of exchange of atoms, and will be surprised at the number of people in this village that is half male and half bicycles.
I let out an expression of amazement that rang in the air like a sudden puncture.
- And even more amazing is knowing the number of bicycles that are half human, half men, half of the ...
humanity - and how they behave these bikes-man?
- These bike-man?
- I mean those men-bike or whatever they call ... I mean they have two wheels and handlebars.
- The behavior of one of these bikes which has a high content of humanity is very shocking and truly amazing. You never see them moving by themselves, but you find them unexpectedly in the most unexpected places. Do not you ever seen a bike that is sitting near a warm fireplace when the wood crackles?
- Yes, of course.
- Not far from the fire?
- Yes yes.
- close enough to hear the conversation of the family?
- Yes
- Certainly not a thousand or two thousand miles from where the grocery store.
- I had not noticed. You mean the bikes eat food?
- never see them eating, no one can catch them when they are chewing on a good steak. All I know is that the food disappears.
- How?
- not the first time I've found crumbs on the front wheel of some of these gentlemen ...
- And how do you know that a man has plenty of bike his veins?
- If you have more than fifty percent what you say without the slightest possibility of error by his walk. Go quickly and never feels slippery and always leans against the wall with his elbow and stay overnight in the kitchen instead of going to bed. If you walk slowly or stopped in the middle of the street would fall and be someone out there who would have to lift it and put it back in motion. This is the state that is the poor postman and ceo you can not ever leave him.
- never again to ride a bike, "I concluded.
(Flann O'Brien, The Third Policeman)


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