Monday, March 21, 2011

How Do Bearded Dragons Shit

Do I need a 2nd bridge to the Isla Teja Valdivia? (Full version, not the court that issued the Southern 19.marzo)

I read the letter to the newspaper Southern Francisco Eguiluz Councilman, released a few days, in relation to the location of the 2 nd bridge to Isla Teja.

Perhaps he and council member, has access to information for now perceive absent in the current debate, as all references to this subject is to answer the question "where to place a 2 nd bridge the Isla Teja? "and the question is logically prior," we need a 2 nd bridge to Isla Teja ?"...¿ already made, analyzed, studied and answered?

Perhaps I missed, I arrived to Valdivia in March 2008. Or is it that is so completely taken from the public and our authorities that need, we have opted to skip this test? Anyone help me catch up? Would not we be precipitated and yielding to the temptation of irresponsible actions shortsighted?

And when a 2nd bridge to facilitate live far from urban radio, increase the business Property for sale, and filled Punucapa, Cutipay, etc. condo and raise the car park until the 2 nd bridge dream becomes insufficient and the future in spite of it is equal to this? Will there be a 3 rd, 4 th bridge, a highway concession and 4 tracks to Pilolcura Colún?

Or is it perhaps that Valdivia is a victim, like so many cities, the automobile market collusion with real estate?

Personally I do not dare to argue that this bridge is not necessary, and eye, still alive in the tile and thus the bottleneck for the bridge to me is bread of every day, especially in the summer season and the oversubscription of road surface that involves the flow towards the coast or Saval.

However, if we consider what it says Ivan Illich: "Forty thousand people crossing a bridge in an hour, take two train tracks were used, four tracks when traveling Bus, 12, if they do drive, and less than two if they make a bike ", we must ask: Is it necessary to widen the bridge Valdivia, do another? Or must first download the road surface used by every citizen and once this is achieved, re-evaluate interventions in infrastructure?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ontario Drivers License Free Template



ISEV meets
The continued existence twenty-six years.

On March 18, 1985, five coaches, officials at the national and the old city, in an apartment downtown Buenos Aires, decided to create a private research center dedicated to services and materials on traffic and land transport .
Actually, not Guido, and Norbert, and John, and Hugo, and writer, Edward, were very clear that this institution was born that afternoon, from the sum of their wills. It seems impossible

who have spent so many years, so many events and actions, the various transformations of, but always, always growing and staying true to his nature.
And all this would not be possible without the tremendous confidence that many companies, organizations, professionals and officials deposited daily in the ISEV.
And here, twenty years older, but with a "blood" very young, with more experience and expertise, with more stubbornness in working in this area so arid and the conviction that "something" (however minimal) have contributed to our society.
And above all things with a firm commitment to continue grow and improve the quality of our services.

If something encouraged our spirit that afternoon in 1985, was that the ISEV born to stay beyond our personal destinies.
so far been fulfilled.

Those who created it, it continued, supported him, our lasting gratitude.
A part of it and who now support him our breath.
To those who, God willing, will continue and sustain it, our hope .

for many years.

Hugo Fernández Vidal Marta Fernández Eduardo Bertotti

Board (*) Paraphrasing our statement at age 20

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Samantha Anderson

Mopeds: another challenge to road safety

transit Argentina
By adding a "new" character and not the "fourth" is so-called "mopeds" are putting on a hybrid born an engine to a bicycle. Another challenge for those working for road safety.



Monday, March 7, 2011

Horse Standing Hay Feeders


March 8 is the day that recalls the rights, needs, progress and struggle of women for full inclusion in society and equal property rights with men .
It is also a reason to reflect on an issue that concerns us all and all. In these videos you can see a tribute to all women who have struggled to claim their rights. Through their struggle, many of you can enjoy the rights a few years ago seemed impossible to achieve. Also, thanks to that struggle, many people have become aware of the role of women to achieve a just society Full:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Facebook Profile Poses


How To Write A Proposal For Tv Show- Sample

Here are two animated maps and commented on the various routes of imperialist expansion in Asia and Africa.
The colonization of Asia:

The colonization of Africa:

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In second half of the nineteenth century, European explorers traveled the interior of Africa, to the brazen moment, thus paving the way to the conquest and colonization of the continent.

Among the most popular browsers are Livingstone and Stanley , who staged one of the best known stories of this period:
" In 1871 the news spread that the browser had lost Livingston in Central Africa, and Stanley hand in your search. largop After a tour and when he was in Lake Tanganyika , his assistant came screaming Africa an Englishman!. At that meeting, Stanley uttered the famous phrase, an example of British phlegm: "Doctor Livingstone, I presume."
however failed to convince him to return and after provisioning it, split each own way. "

These new found paradise awaken the imagination of Europeans, creating the legend of Tarzan , a fictional character who sees the light in 1912.
Tarzan is the orphaned son of an aristocratic English couple stranded in Africa in the late nineteenth century. After his death, Tarzan is adopted and raised by a pack of monkeys. "Tarzan" means "white skin" in the language "primitive" primates. Its English name is John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke. The education received physical abilities gave significantly higher than those of the best athletes "civilized", but also inherited a high level of mental ability. Taught himself to read English books review left by their parents, and disagreeing with the inarticulate speaker version popularized in the movies, learned to speak several languages \u200b\u200bfluently. Again only contact with humans when they are adults. During this period, learn to speak French and English and visit the civilized world call, but then refuses to return to the jungle.

Why Is My Stool A Dark Brown


Images are representative of this moment there are many here have chosen a few that illustrate well the era of Imperialism:
"Song of the Cola Cao"
The main purpose of colonization was the exploitation of its raw materials. Here you have an example of how Europeans turned many African countries in plantations of products that were processed and consumed in the West.

"Out of Africa" \u200b\u200b
Here you can see the life of an Englishwoman in a British colony in Africa.

Empire British through Zulu:

The French Empire through "The Battle of Algiers: Algeria

is the best example of colonial occupation , since it was treated as a province of France. The piece of film that I show can be seen as the Algerians fought for its independence through armed struggle and terrorist attacks, to which France responded strongly, writing one of the darkest episodes of history gala, remembered as "the Battle of Algiers. "

Italian imperialism in Libya:

American neo-colonialism through a computer game "Tropico"

U.S. expansionist policy is oriented towards the Caribbean and Central and South America, but geographically come to occupy these countries, but will generate a financial dependence such that they will intervene if their economic interests are threatened, promoting and funding dictatorships. These countries became producers of raw materials intended for U.S. consumption, as in the case of coffee or bananas, whose name appears on the derogatory nickname that some of these countries are called "Banana Republics ."

Pregnant Laura Gemser

Tintin in the Congo

In the early years of European imperialism in Africa, Belgian King Leopold II maneuvered very able to get the vast territory of the Congo River Basin . Travel funded explorers like Stanley , created the International African Association - in theory for humanitarian purposes, "and finally the Congress 1885 Berlin got (and personal possession) the so-called Congo Free State.
The fierce exploitation of the territory resulted in the death by disease and work of approximately ten million Africans. Even today the figure of Leopold is full of controversy, commonly see in the list of the most evil of history.
Tintin in the Congo , published in 1930, is arguably the most controversial of Hergé on this fictional journalist named Tintin and his trusty Milou.
Hergé sees this work as "a sin of youth" lee comics since a defense of Belgian colonialism in the African country then called the Belgian Congo. His cartoons reflect all the prejudices of his time Europeans had on Africa, which is defined as older children and ignorant, lazy and superstitious, who had to "educate" from a paternalistic point of view . Nor There is too much respect for ecology: a rhinoceros is operated with a stick of dynamite, Tintin Abbe monkeys, antelopes, elephants ... Scandinavian publishers, outraged, demanded the revision of some pages.
As an example of this, one of the images that illustrate the entry: Tintin arrives at a Catholic mission, and has to replace in kind to a sick missionary. In the 1930 edition, gives children a lesson on " your country: Belgium ."
coltan War:
Today the Democratic Republic of Congo has one of the most popular mineral wealth by the West, coltan, a material used to manufacture next-generation microchips , mobile phones, video games like Play Station and laptops.

This wealth has been a bloody internal war for control of the mines, and not only Western countries are unwilling to try to mediate for peace, but who are beneficiaries of the cheapening of coltan, which is still buying, helping local people to buy more weapons and continue killing.

Sample Lettersfor Church Anniversary

The Suez Canal

Channel Suez is an artificial satellite navigation that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea between Africa and Asia, across the Isthmus of Suez, the Sinai Peninsula. The channel is in the territory of Egypt .

Its length is 163 km between Port Said (on the Mediterranean coast) and Suez (the Red Sea coast). Allowed to reduce the maritime trade route between Europe and South Asia, it avoided having to go around the African continent. For a better understanding
watch video prepared by a former student of mine, Daniel Hullsmann:

The excavation works channel officially began on 10 April 1859 promoted by Ferdinand de Lesseps French authorized by the Egyptian authorities at the time, who gave free land, quarries and drinking water systems, as well as four-fifths of workers were needed for work.
's how it was made one of the greatest works of engineering in the world for tens of thousands of humble peasants forcibly taken from all regions of Egypt. At first there were no machinery and everything had to be done by hand in an unhealthy climate. According to official figures, killed 20 workers. More realistic estimates set the figure at 125,000 workers killed. The work was accelerated after the introduction of bucket dredges. [1]

The construction of the Suez Canal, opened in 1869 marked a milestone in the history of technology because, for the first time, machines were used Excavation specially designed for these works, with yields up to that time unknown. In just over two years, dug more than 50 million cubic meters, 75 million of the total work.

In 1875 the Pasha of Egypt, because of the country's foreign debt, he released his part of the actions of the channel. In a swift move, the Prime Minister Britain, Benjamin Disraeli, Queen Victoria convinced of the need to purchase to take control of the route to India, the richest colony in the UK. An envoy of Disraeli got a large loan from the banker Rothschild House, and thus secured the UK domain of the channel.

Men Wearing Girdles With Stockings

racism and imperialism

From an ideological point of view , the Europeans maintained their superiority and the right to impose on other people. They spoke well of the civilizing mission of Europe against the "savage" peoples who had occupied. This resulted in racism , Considering the white man superior to other ethnic groups, as you can see in some of the testimonies at the moment:
"The similarities between blacks and monkeys are larger than between apes and Europeans. The black man is inferior, intellectually, European man. The black man can only be humanized and civilized by Europeans. "
J. BOARD. Scientific session of the Anthropological Society of London 1863.

"We must say openly that indeed the higher races have a right inferior races, and also a duty on them: they have a duty to civilize."
Jules Ferry to the French Chamber of Deputies, 1885.

Although not everyone agreed with these statements racist:
"superior races!, Inferior races!.'s Easy to say. For my part, I shrink from such a view, especially after German scientists have seen scientific proof that France is less than the German race. No, there is no right of nations called on the nations over less calls. Conquering you [J . Ferry] advocates is abuse, plain and simple, strength giving scientific civilization early civilizations, to seize the man, torture and squeeze all the power you have, the benefit of an alleged civilization. "
G. Clemenceau. Speech in the House. France, July 1885.
The Cape Town became a British colony in 1806. The European settlements in South Africa expanded during the decade of 1820, when Boers (settlers from Holland, Belgium, France and Germany) and British settlers claimed territory north and east of the country, which was fighting for possession of the land, like the Zulu .
The discovery of diamond fields and mines of gold triggered the conflict known to Second Boer War, which pitted the British and the Boers for control of the country's mineral resources. Although the Boers were losing the war, the United Kingdom granted independence in 1910 limited to South Africa as a British colony.
Inside the country's white elite anti-British carried out a series of policies intended to achieve full independence. The racial segregation was gaining strength and impregnating the South African legislation, instituting the system later became known by the name of apartheid , which established three categories of racial stratification.
Sign on a beach in South Africa (1989). The text says: "According to the Ordinance 37 of the Code of Laws of Durban, this beach is exclusively for white people."
The country finally achieved independence in 1961, when it was declared the Republic of South Africa. The government continued to legislate under the apartheid regime, despite opposition from both outside and inside the country. In 1990, the South African government began a series of negotiations that ended the discriminatory laws and the convening of the first democratic elections in 1994, in which the white minority would accept the right to vote for the black majority.
The election results gave the presidency to Nelson Mandela after his release from prison that kept him imprisoned 27 years for opposing the racist regime, providing a peaceful transition to representative democracy in South Africa.
After receiving more than one hundred awards, Mandela became the best-known figure in the fight against racism in South Africa.
recently Clint Eastwood has released the film " Invictus," which tells the story of Nelson Mandela who, after being released from his long confinement in prison policy, it takes power in South Africa a time when the separation between whites and blacks, is total and dangerous. Its sole purpose is to achieve a peaceful cohesion, a social union that is sensed almost impossible but that, Thanks to his skill and knowledge win over the other, trying to get through sport. And in particular to the Springboks, who is known as the South African national team rugby.
With the responsibility of holding the World Cup nations, Mandela is a passion for the sport epic way for people to get excited and limen roughness. To do so, has the invaluable help of captain, played by Matt Damon, who breathes the value of victory as a true way to achieve the expected union.

Cervix Hard And Open And Pregnant

Here I offer a reflection done in power point on immigration to Europe today from the point of view of colonialism that we are studying.

How You Know A Scorpio Man Likes You

OPIUM WAR: The British Empire in China EUROPE CLOSED

sound at the beginning of the next video so many national anthems?

The Opium War was the conflict maintained China and Britain between 1839 and 1842. The same trigger was the introduction in China of opium grown in India and marketed by the company British East India, the minister of India.
This substance (a narcotic drug) was a major source of revenue for the British and served to its balance of payments with China to offset the cost of the huge amounts of Chinese tea that Britain mattered.
But opium trade was rejected and banned by the Chinese government .
emissaries sent by the British and Indian traders complaining about the grief that such a ban was causing to their interests decided to the British Crown to send a fleet of war that eventually defeated China .
Following that defeat the Chinese emperor had to sign the Treaty of Nanking , laying forced China to free trade - including opium the - with England, with five ports (the important of which Canton) well as the cession of Hong Kong Island for 150 years.

This conflict and its resolution in favor of British imperial power facilitated the entry into the scene of other powers like the U.S. , France and Russia that forced China to sign several agreements that have been termed " Unequal Treaties." As a result of them, in 1860 China was menaced to open eleven more ports to foreign trade with a corresponding impairment of sovereignty.

Cake Ideas For A Pool Party


Here you can see this video of pictures about the period we are studying.

Canola Oil Is Cholesterol


Building English decline, the U.S. is prepared to wrest this nation's last remaining remnants of his former empire. The Americans were an emerging power and needed to gain prestige and international influence and it was necessary to create an empire as had the Europeans.

Thus, in 1898, provoked the war with Spain, then sank a ship (the Maine ) of its own marina and blamed Spain for this, after which war broke out between the two countries . Within weeks the American fleet to the English being swept Cuba and Puerto Rico under U.S. control.

But who really sank the ship Maine? . Crawls the web and search for clues, taking into account the need to verify the information and keep in mind the subjectivity of some opinions.

Here I leave with the burial of the victims of the Maine :

The U.S. war with Spain also meant a loss of the Philippines. The English soldiers who defended bravely until the last minute that English colonial history have become the name of the last Philippines.

The defeat of 1898 resulted in society and in English English political class a state of frustration and pessimism is reflected in the literature of the time and the emergence of movements ask true democratization of the state and an end to corruption, which were called regenerationists .
"tell me you would know the name of a writer and one of the most important literary works of this crucial moment in the history of Spain?

Disconnection Letter Pldt



Western Sahara was a colony and then a English province in Africa resulting from the union in 1958 the territories of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro, after the group of English West African territories ceased to exist. In 1975, taking advantage that General Franco was dying, the king of Morocco began what is known as the "Green March " was an occupation by Morocco in the territories of the former English colony, despite its commitment to the UN for a referendum to determine the future of this territory.
Under the Madrid Agreement of 1975 established a temporary tripartite administration established by Spain, Morocco and Mauritania. Shortly after Spain abandoned the territory, after which the Polisario proclaimed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and started a war of liberation of the territory against these two countries. Mauritania was forced to capitulate by harsh attacks by the Polisario, with only Morocco.
Since then the so-called Western Sahara is contested by Morocco, which annexed it without it being recognized internationally, and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic who wants to establish an independent state in the former province.
Under international law, legally the sovereignty and administration of Western Sahara remain in the hands of Spain, but since the signing of the Madrid Accords, there has been no action in this regard.

Brownish Mucus Discharge Before Period

(click and play)

Jock Itch Whats It Look Like When Healing?


(Click to enlarge images)

How Far Should Coffee Table Be From Sofa?


Will I Gain Weight Eating Half A Box Of Cereal


STANLEY. Tale of cannibals

Jules Ferry. Statements.
1882 DEMOGRAPHICS / IMPERIALISM / CECIL RHODES. Importance of imperialismmo

Speech to the House. 1885
colonization in modern times. 1874
The British nation. 1895


PATERNALISM / Leopold II of Belgium.
letter to its staff in Congo. 1897
imperialsmo Darwinian
Scientific session of the Anthropological Society of London. 1863
Geography Course. 1850
U.S. imperialism / Renouvin. About
U.S. imperialism
General Act.
Congo by the International Association African
CHINA / OPIUM / Fairbank.
Chinese Opium
Letter to Queen Victoria
CHINA / OPIUM / Treaty of Nanking.
P. Renouvin. History of international relations. 1955 The colonized
/ HERMANN. Story of Chief
Mojimba a missionary
The colonized / TUAVII Tiavea.
the Papalagi
The colonized / RELIGION. Mani Tatanga

The colonized / LOOTING / NAPIER.
History of Sir C. Napier's Administration of Scinde. London, 1847
ALGERIA / General Bugeaud.
Algeria, the means to conserve and conquest.
1842 Anti-Imperialist / Marxist vision.
Rosa Luxemburg. 1913
INTERNATIONAL imperialist and II.
Resolution of the Second International in Stuttgart. 1907 Anti-Imperialist
/ Clemenceau.
Speech in the House. France, July 1885
CHINA / imperialism. Pamphlet
Chinese imperialist. 1856

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Putting Together A Wedding Movie

Free Training for Teachers


Teaching Education Road Safety is a discipline that requires some knowledge in order to convey to students the information and skills that are necessary to prevent traffic accidents. Dates

- Saturday April 9, 9-13 pm
- Saturday May 7 from 9 am to 13 pm

-Teachers and educators who want to nurture their work on the topic road from a conceptualization comprehensive and systemic circulatory phenomenon.


Wholesale Bulk Chicken



Module 3: Traffic Legislation and road safety
Friday 1 April 2011 from 10.00 to 13.00
Limit: Ten (10) attendees.

Module 1 "Basic Principles for Safe Driving"
Friday 29 April 2011 from 10.00 to 13.00
Limit: Ten (10) attendees.

Module 2: Strategies for Safe Driving
Friday, 20 May 2011 from 10.00 to 13.00
Limit: Ten (10) attendees.

Module 3: Legislation on traffic and road safety
Friday, 24 June 2011 from 10.00 to 13.00
Limit: Ten (10) attendees. SEE

SYSTEM, SEAT, registration form Costs and procedures

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prom Dress Catologs For Free


Amazed after 8 days of trekking cleteo and several National Park Conguillío (Andean Araucanía Chile), but also tired of the arrogance or insensitivity of many, too many of the fellow bikers with whom we share the roads for cycling, I've written on the side of the road, the dust raised by motor road at high speed, a public statement.

hope not seem unrealistic, idealistic or be living outside reality, knowing that a public statement does not weigh transcends individual. But at least it serves as a catharsis and relief.

And in one of these, more people or groups share this feeling, could connect and transform this into a real public statement, with support and weight.

public statement of respect for non-motorized users of intercity roads in Chile


1 that is a constitutional right all persons moving from one place to another in the Republic, provided that the norms established by law and provided that harming others (Constitution of Chile, c ap. III, art. 19, 7 a);

2 nd that the roads may or may not secrete a differential use sidewalks for pedestrians and road vehicle users;

3 that the pathway may or may not secrete a different use for motorized and non-motorized;

3 that in the absence of segregation road, whether total or partial, the full path is sharing;

4 º to the road is the strip vial intended for use by vehicles and that the bicycle is a vehicle (Law 18290, Art 2 º);


1 that the safe and comfortable for all users should be achieved with the sovereignty of the collective common sense;

2 nd that the policies of road infrastructure historical Chile as well as civic culture do not watch or encourage compliance with the above;

3 that the occurrence of accidents or damage several, both in frequency and severity is directly proportional to the size difference , weight and speed among different users and is detrimental of the most vulnerable (pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to animal traction);

4 º which among others, these events relate to abuses by powerful, front or side, throwing rocks under the wheels of heavy vehicles gravel roads, loss of balance of cyclists, raising dust and disruption of the sonic purity of the place.

5 degrees as a society can not tolerate is the FEAR factor of our road traffic controller, Stronger Law should be abolished.


1, require the use tolerant, supportive and respectful of all intercity roads;

2 º to appeal to cyclists Chile, to assert, with caution, yet firmly, our right to use all roads, both for utilitarian trips daily (residents or residents in each area), sports or cycling;

3 º require the authorities, consideration BIKE vehicle in design and construction of roads, in terms of width, slope, road surface and defining consistent segregation or integration as appropriate.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wireless Spy Microphone


- What profession would the protagonists of the video?
Why are not proletarians?
- Following Marx, would they be oppressors or oppressed?, Why?
- what reasons are outraged?
- Record different wages are handled. According to the lowest, what percentage of your daily wage should to devote to the purchase of bread?
- Why one of the characters refer to the phrase "restore the right direction?.
- What is the Scottish system, how can double the benefits?
- How to raise reduce manufacturing costs?
- At a time sequence, one of the characters says: "Gentlemen, I think at this point would be dangerous to lower wages, are very unhappy." What is the danger?
- What do you mean the video with state intervention?
- The youngest player accuses others of "monsters" why?.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cellular Respiration Mamals Vs Reptiles


The coup of February 23, 1981 in Spain, also known as 23-F, was a failed coup by some military commanders essentially, whose most famous episode was the assault on the Congress of Deputies by a large group of civil guards in command was Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero Civil Guard during the voting session for the investiture of the candidate for Prime Minister, Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, of the UCD.

After Franco's death came the transition to democracy, here is how were these first elections:

But the February 23, 1981 someone tried the return to dictatorship storming the Congress of Deputies:

Normal To Masterbate?

Warning: stray animals!

The presence of animals on public roads constitutes in an issue of great complexity and intractable.

Can we as drivers reduce their exposure to risk in such situations expose us?

View Safe Driving Bulletin February 2011



Friday, February 18, 2011

Farmhouse Tables French

The pedestrian, star of the cities - 2 º Encuentro

The Charter contains twelve objectives among which the creation of 30 zones and cycle paths and the integration of road safety in local mobility strategies

After two days of exchanging experiences and knowledge of road safety, the 2 nd meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety concludes with the commitment of all participants to work for urban road safety and sustainable mobility, promoting policies, strategies and actions that create an urban environment safer healthy and peaceful.

For this reason and considering that the cities are aware of the problem of the urban road accidents and that municipalities are responsible for consolidating the culture in their cities, in the 2 nd meeting were offered a series of objectives that will facilitate input from English cities to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

Participants in the 2 nd meeting state: SEE

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mac Full Coverage Foundation Where To Buy

INTERURBAN Increase the supply of road space or reducing the demand for space?

Any news or announcements threatening given the high probability that they become reality, given the mindless dynamic search and production of the road solutions "that mystery - suspiciously-lights or the actions of our social leaders, public or private, really scare me.

These threats, Valdivia is expanding to 4 tracks Valdivia Bridge (towards the Teja Island), or, instead, a tunnel under the River Valdivia from the Obelisk to the Los Robles Ave. And last weekend, in a Mercury in Santiago, I posted a mega plan of road infrastructure to Viña del Mar and around, again with the inspired leadership of Mr. Osvaldo Urrutia of SECPLAN of that city.

The thesis that I affirm my critical stance towards these policies vials, in the logic "to a greater demand for road space more choice" is the belief that the car park has a behavior similar to that of gases (other than stinky), ie, conforms to the container (streets, avenues) that contains, grows the container then growing the number of cars, and serving the "Tragedy of the Commons" by Garret Hardin, yes with a high compression capacity and charging a high cost to the quality of life of ALL citizens, not just those individuals transported in motor vehicles and roads collapse supposedly justified to expand. The extension creates a sense of improvement, but this is temporary and transitory, as the increase of road space is one of the most efficient stimuli for more people to buy and use self and time, again the space is narrow, and it seems that nothing has changed. Improvement can last 5, 10 years or so, anyway, the point is equivalent to postpone a problem, not solve it, is as sweeping and keep the dirt under the carpet or close a deep wound without being disinfected.

wore a time trying to sit down and sort through these ideas and put them in writing, when the net I get a clear SUSTRANLAC Article "The circle of urban immobility" , Charles A. G. Gonzalez on the subject. Refers to transportation planning from the offer and its consequences. Closes with some questions that invite discussion.

suggest taking the same concepts in place a transportation planning from the decline in demand as a starting point to finding solutions.

You can read below.

I hope to motivate any reader to think Valdivia or city in which c / u live differently from the conventional view.

The circle of urban immobility

Posted by: "Jorge Iván Ballesteros Toro"

Wed, February 2, 2011 8:43 a.m. (PST)


Carlos A. G. Gonzalez - Consultant and Researcher Mobility and Urban Development.

The solution to the problems of urban mobility does not lie in building

increasingly of road infrastructure, just look at the example of

major U.S. cities to realize it. Reviewed by Carlos

A. G. Gonzalez, Carlos A. González

"Since the problem of urban mobility is that more and more cars but fewer roads are built, the solution is as simple as redress the balance, rushing to build more infrastructure road. " This statement, though it sounds logical, it is far from being true.

The first thing to say is that if the problem was so easy resolve and would be resolved for many years. It is no secret that nearly half a century ago, cities like Los Angeles (CA), Dallas (TX) and Detroit (MI) among others, choosing to follow such logic, built major highway systems. Nor is it a secret that in today , these cities are not only suffering from a heavy congestion of traffic , and multiple negative externalities associated, but the situation instead of abating, appears to have worsened dramatically. A despite its obvious failure, this outdated approach to planning transport widely implemented in U.S. cities during the 70, remains entrenched in our collective imagination, and what is worse, remains the guiding light of decisions of much of the local politicians, with only few exceptions.

From the technical rigor of the discipline of transportation, the idea of \u200b\u200bsolving mobility problems only from road infrastructure to offer more private cars, is known as' transport planning from offer. " That is, a trite exercise that evolved from the rule of three, in which it is estimated how many new roads or lanes must be constructed so that traffic flowing again normally. As we do not repair the common citizens is that it is the 'Chronicle of a Death Foretold', as the rule of three evolved also determines when this extension will be completely collapsed, and well, a few years later, everything starts again. In this way, we will circling this pernicious cycle of urban immobility.

The small detail, insignificant to some, is that the space for way the city is not infinite, is in fact a scarce resource. Thus, once we used all available space will discover, without any surprise that the fleet has continued to grow at an even faster rate, both by the expectation that there will be more roads, for the great momentum that gives the auto sector growth. In such a scenario , it is clear that the effects of congestion are no longer equal but even worse, that the average speed by car, as in downtown New York, is similar to which, 100 years ago, had the horse drawn carriages, that the crowded double-decker freeways, as Mexico City, is a monument to waste, and that dangerous pollution levels, as in Santiago de Chile, prevent us from go out a few days each year. Futurism "without foundation? No, just the brief account of a sad reality.

For those who analyzes urban-based arguments and environmental not wake them the same respect as those made from 'pragmatic' economic approach, only remains to remind the frustration of taxpayers to see how, after heavy investment in infrastructure road, the congestion problem quickly reappears even seems more serious. Thus, private car owners precious claim your Mayor quick fixes, and this, not to lose popularity among future Voters, he hastens to scratch the already precarious local coffers as to provide more 'roads'. Another small, insignificant you want: not only the city budget is limited, but the for infrastructure in the circle of immobility, it is always sufficient given the insatiable demand for private investment vehicle.

is then only fall back on gimmicks such as' megaprojects by Contribution Benefit Valuation General 'and' urban highways electronic toll concession ', the only thing that will, barring a few exceptions where work is really necessary, it will consume more soil city and bring more vehicles into the city.

Could it be that in Colombia we have to get to the point of chaos and waste to realize that addressing the problems of urban mobility from the viewpoint of supply does not lead anywhere? And if such an approach does not work what are the alternatives? Are we in time to redirect the course, and avoid the long way of errors city American some try to sell as models worthy of imitation ? Without doubt this is an urgent and promising new discussion begins.

* * Consultant and Researcher Mobility and Urban *.

PhD (c) Urban Studies, University of Cambridge.

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