Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Is My Stool A Dark Brown


Images are representative of this moment there are many here have chosen a few that illustrate well the era of Imperialism:
"Song of the Cola Cao"
The main purpose of colonization was the exploitation of its raw materials. Here you have an example of how Europeans turned many African countries in plantations of products that were processed and consumed in the West.

"Out of Africa" \u200b\u200b
Here you can see the life of an Englishwoman in a British colony in Africa.

Empire British through Zulu:

The French Empire through "The Battle of Algiers: Algeria

is the best example of colonial occupation , since it was treated as a province of France. The piece of film that I show can be seen as the Algerians fought for its independence through armed struggle and terrorist attacks, to which France responded strongly, writing one of the darkest episodes of history gala, remembered as "the Battle of Algiers. "

Italian imperialism in Libya:

American neo-colonialism through a computer game "Tropico"

U.S. expansionist policy is oriented towards the Caribbean and Central and South America, but geographically come to occupy these countries, but will generate a financial dependence such that they will intervene if their economic interests are threatened, promoting and funding dictatorships. These countries became producers of raw materials intended for U.S. consumption, as in the case of coffee or bananas, whose name appears on the derogatory nickname that some of these countries are called "Banana Republics ."


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