Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prom Dress Catologs For Free


Amazed after 8 days of trekking cleteo and several National Park Conguillío (Andean Araucanía Chile), but also tired of the arrogance or insensitivity of many, too many of the fellow bikers with whom we share the roads for cycling, I've written on the side of the road, the dust raised by motor road at high speed, a public statement.

hope not seem unrealistic, idealistic or be living outside reality, knowing that a public statement does not weigh transcends individual. But at least it serves as a catharsis and relief.

And in one of these, more people or groups share this feeling, could connect and transform this into a real public statement, with support and weight.

public statement of respect for non-motorized users of intercity roads in Chile


1 that is a constitutional right all persons moving from one place to another in the Republic, provided that the norms established by law and provided that harming others (Constitution of Chile, c ap. III, art. 19, 7 a);

2 nd that the roads may or may not secrete a differential use sidewalks for pedestrians and road vehicle users;

3 that the pathway may or may not secrete a different use for motorized and non-motorized;

3 that in the absence of segregation road, whether total or partial, the full path is sharing;

4 º to the road is the strip vial intended for use by vehicles and that the bicycle is a vehicle (Law 18290, Art 2 º);


1 that the safe and comfortable for all users should be achieved with the sovereignty of the collective common sense;

2 nd that the policies of road infrastructure historical Chile as well as civic culture do not watch or encourage compliance with the above;

3 that the occurrence of accidents or damage several, both in frequency and severity is directly proportional to the size difference , weight and speed among different users and is detrimental of the most vulnerable (pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to animal traction);

4 º which among others, these events relate to abuses by powerful, front or side, throwing rocks under the wheels of heavy vehicles gravel roads, loss of balance of cyclists, raising dust and disruption of the sonic purity of the place.

5 degrees as a society can not tolerate is the FEAR factor of our road traffic controller, Stronger Law should be abolished.


1, require the use tolerant, supportive and respectful of all intercity roads;

2 º to appeal to cyclists Chile, to assert, with caution, yet firmly, our right to use all roads, both for utilitarian trips daily (residents or residents in each area), sports or cycling;

3 º require the authorities, consideration BIKE vehicle in design and construction of roads, in terms of width, slope, road surface and defining consistent segregation or integration as appropriate.


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