Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pregnant Laura Gemser

Tintin in the Congo

In the early years of European imperialism in Africa, Belgian King Leopold II maneuvered very able to get the vast territory of the Congo River Basin . Travel funded explorers like Stanley , created the International African Association - in theory for humanitarian purposes, "and finally the Congress 1885 Berlin got (and personal possession) the so-called Congo Free State.
The fierce exploitation of the territory resulted in the death by disease and work of approximately ten million Africans. Even today the figure of Leopold is full of controversy, commonly see in the list of the most evil of history.
Tintin in the Congo , published in 1930, is arguably the most controversial of Hergé on this fictional journalist named Tintin and his trusty Milou.
Hergé sees this work as "a sin of youth" lee comics since a defense of Belgian colonialism in the African country then called the Belgian Congo. His cartoons reflect all the prejudices of his time Europeans had on Africa, which is defined as older children and ignorant, lazy and superstitious, who had to "educate" from a paternalistic point of view . Nor There is too much respect for ecology: a rhinoceros is operated with a stick of dynamite, Tintin Abbe monkeys, antelopes, elephants ... Scandinavian publishers, outraged, demanded the revision of some pages.
As an example of this, one of the images that illustrate the entry: Tintin arrives at a Catholic mission, and has to replace in kind to a sick missionary. In the 1930 edition, gives children a lesson on " your country: Belgium ."
coltan War:
Today the Democratic Republic of Congo has one of the most popular mineral wealth by the West, coltan, a material used to manufacture next-generation microchips , mobile phones, video games like Play Station and laptops.

This wealth has been a bloody internal war for control of the mines, and not only Western countries are unwilling to try to mediate for peace, but who are beneficiaries of the cheapening of coltan, which is still buying, helping local people to buy more weapons and continue killing.


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