Saturday, March 5, 2011

Men Wearing Girdles With Stockings

racism and imperialism

From an ideological point of view , the Europeans maintained their superiority and the right to impose on other people. They spoke well of the civilizing mission of Europe against the "savage" peoples who had occupied. This resulted in racism , Considering the white man superior to other ethnic groups, as you can see in some of the testimonies at the moment:
"The similarities between blacks and monkeys are larger than between apes and Europeans. The black man is inferior, intellectually, European man. The black man can only be humanized and civilized by Europeans. "
J. BOARD. Scientific session of the Anthropological Society of London 1863.

"We must say openly that indeed the higher races have a right inferior races, and also a duty on them: they have a duty to civilize."
Jules Ferry to the French Chamber of Deputies, 1885.

Although not everyone agreed with these statements racist:
"superior races!, Inferior races!.'s Easy to say. For my part, I shrink from such a view, especially after German scientists have seen scientific proof that France is less than the German race. No, there is no right of nations called on the nations over less calls. Conquering you [J . Ferry] advocates is abuse, plain and simple, strength giving scientific civilization early civilizations, to seize the man, torture and squeeze all the power you have, the benefit of an alleged civilization. "
G. Clemenceau. Speech in the House. France, July 1885.
The Cape Town became a British colony in 1806. The European settlements in South Africa expanded during the decade of 1820, when Boers (settlers from Holland, Belgium, France and Germany) and British settlers claimed territory north and east of the country, which was fighting for possession of the land, like the Zulu .
The discovery of diamond fields and mines of gold triggered the conflict known to Second Boer War, which pitted the British and the Boers for control of the country's mineral resources. Although the Boers were losing the war, the United Kingdom granted independence in 1910 limited to South Africa as a British colony.
Inside the country's white elite anti-British carried out a series of policies intended to achieve full independence. The racial segregation was gaining strength and impregnating the South African legislation, instituting the system later became known by the name of apartheid , which established three categories of racial stratification.
Sign on a beach in South Africa (1989). The text says: "According to the Ordinance 37 of the Code of Laws of Durban, this beach is exclusively for white people."
The country finally achieved independence in 1961, when it was declared the Republic of South Africa. The government continued to legislate under the apartheid regime, despite opposition from both outside and inside the country. In 1990, the South African government began a series of negotiations that ended the discriminatory laws and the convening of the first democratic elections in 1994, in which the white minority would accept the right to vote for the black majority.
The election results gave the presidency to Nelson Mandela after his release from prison that kept him imprisoned 27 years for opposing the racist regime, providing a peaceful transition to representative democracy in South Africa.
After receiving more than one hundred awards, Mandela became the best-known figure in the fight against racism in South Africa.
recently Clint Eastwood has released the film " Invictus," which tells the story of Nelson Mandela who, after being released from his long confinement in prison policy, it takes power in South Africa a time when the separation between whites and blacks, is total and dangerous. Its sole purpose is to achieve a peaceful cohesion, a social union that is sensed almost impossible but that, Thanks to his skill and knowledge win over the other, trying to get through sport. And in particular to the Springboks, who is known as the South African national team rugby.
With the responsibility of holding the World Cup nations, Mandela is a passion for the sport epic way for people to get excited and limen roughness. To do so, has the invaluable help of captain, played by Matt Damon, who breathes the value of victory as a true way to achieve the expected union.


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